In this workshop, faculty, PhD students, and outside speakers present their latest marketing research and marketing research papers.

The workshop will be held in-person (in HC C03, unless otherwise noted), with no virtual options. Please contact workshop administrator Mary Kate Stanfa if you would like to be added to the listserv for weekly updates.

When possible, links to the workshop papers are posted to this page for printing. Occasionally, speakers opt not to circulate their papers; in this case, the link will be unavailable.

Autumn 2024

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution
Tuesday, September 24 10:40am-12:00pm Saieh 103 Global Evidence on the Motives for Sustainable Behaviors Antonia Krefeld-Schwalb Rotterdam SOM, Erasmus University
Tuesday, October 1 10:40am-12:00pm Harper C03 Shrinkflation and Consumer Demand Aljoscha Janssen Singapore Management University
Tuesday, October 8 10:40am-12:00pm Harper C03 People Are (Shockingly) Bad at Valuing Hedges William Ryan UC Berkeley
Friday, October 11
10:10am-11:30am Harper C03 Default Carryover Effects: The Interplay of Choice Architecture, Prior Preferences, and Experienced Choice Consequences Rory Waisman University of Alberta
Tuesday, October 22 10:10am-11:30am Harper C03 TBD Mike Thomas University of Missouri
Tuesday, October 29 10:40am-12:00pm Harper C03 TBD Tentative - TBA --
Tuesday, November 5 10:10am-11:30am Harper C03 TBD Stephen Ryan Wash U
Tuesday, November 12 10:10am-11:30am Harper C03 TBD Puneet Manchanda University of Michigan


Winter 2025

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution


Spring 2025

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution