Coronavirus Updates

In this workshop, students, faculty, and invited visitors present their macroeconomics and international economics research and research papers. 

Students, faculty, and invited visitors present papers on the theoretical and empirical studies in real and monetary aspects of international trade and monetary policies and institutions.

The workshop will be held in-person (in HC 3B), with no virtual options. Please contact workshop administrator Mary Kate Stanfa to be added to the listserv for weekly updates or for information. Please refer to the weekly announcement for updates or time changes.

Since Autumn Quarter 2019, the workshop has been organized jointly between Chicago Booth and the University of Chicago Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics. The majority of the talks are given by internal speakers presenting works in progress, though some talks are reserved for external speakers.

When possible, links to the workshop papers are posted to this page for printing. Occasionally, speakers choose not to circulate their papers. In such cases, the link will be unavailable.

Autumn 2024

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution

Winter 2025

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution


Spring 2025

Date Time Location Topic Speaker Institution