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Before joining Booth's PhD program, Nicholas worked in Kenya for the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics conducting applied behavioral economics research through lab and field RCTs in the Global South. Prior to this, Nicholas completed his undergraduate and masters studies at the University of Cape Town in South Africa during which he worked with the Research Unit in Behavioral Economics and Neuroeconomics (RUBEN).

Research Interests

He is broadly interested in judgement and decision-making, and specifically in pro-social and antisocial behaviors, the application of moral frameworks to decision making, and their antecedents.

Selected Presentations

Owsley, N., Shapiro, J., Jang, C., (June, 2019), Assessing the Reliability of Experimental Valuation Techniques, Paper presented to the Symposium for Economic Experiments in Developing Countries (SEEDEC), Berkeley, CA.

Owsley, N., Laumas, A., (2020, July), When Linda meets Preeti: The Validation of Behavioral Biases in India, paper presented to the Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics (SABE), Moscow, Russia.