Located in the heart of downtown Chicago’s cultural corridor, Mindworks is free and open to the public, welcoming visitors to explore interactive exhibits, take part in hands-on research studies, and earn prizes for participating.

Mindworks logo

Mindworks expands the research operations of the center's PIMCO Decision Research Lab, allowing us to engage a broader, more diverse participant pool. Mindworks also aims to show the general public how insights from behavioral science can help people better understand and improve their lives and communities.

More than 50,000 visitors from all 50 states, 80+ countries, and 6 continents have already visited Mindworks, and thanks to new group visits and after-hours programming, Mindworks continues to grow and thrive.

Mindworks was conceived by faculty at the Roman Family Center and was made possible by generous philanthropic support from PIMCO.

Learn more at Mindworks website. Or follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Couple learning about the exhibit from a guide Placeholder

Visit Mindworks

Mindworks is located at 224 S. Michigan Ave, across from the Art Institute of Chicago and Grant Park.

Free and open to all, Mindworks operates Wednesday–Sunday 11 a.m.–5 p.m. We welcome drop-in visits but encourage visitors to make a reservation.

Eight interactive exhibits demonstrate foundational concepts from behavioral science and encourage visitors to reflect on how these insights can help people improve their lives and communities.
Schedule Your Visit Today


Visit Mindworks
Prize handed to a recipient Placeholder

Earn Prizes

Every visitor who participates in a study will earn prizes such as clothing, discounts to museums, and gift cards for local restaurants.

Earn Prizes

Contact Us

For general inquiries or additional information about the RF-CDR, please email us, or contact:

The Roman Family Center for Decision Research
University of Chicago
Booth School of Business
5807 South Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Phone: 773.834.9857
Fax: 773.834.9134

PIMCO Decision Research Labs

If you have questions or need to contact the lab staff, contact us at cdrlabs@chicagobooth.edu.

Follow the Roman Family Center for Decision Research