Coronavirus Updates

Help make Global Booth Day a success by spreading the word on social media. #GlobalBoothDay 

Interact with the official Booth Alumni channels on Instagram and LinkedIn and visit the sections below for content to use on your own channels.

-Downloadable Graphics
-Sample Captions
-Ways to Engage
-Instructions for Posting on Social Platforms

Downloadable Graphics

Click on one of the images below to download and post to your social media channels.

Grey Placeholder Image


Use this image to promote Global Booth Day on social media platforms, including LinkedIn.

Download Image

Grey Placeholder Image


Use this image to promote Global Booth Day on social media platforms, including Instagram and Whatsapp.

Download Image


Sample Captions

Copy and paste one of the sample captions below to use in your social post (and feel free to personalize it).

Take part in #GlobalBoothDay on Thursday, October 26: Join me for a day of celebrating Booth connections during the school’s milestone 125th anniversary year and taking advantage of exclusive opportunities for lifelong learning.

Chicago Booth’s #GlobalBoothDay is taking place October 26 with different ways to celebrate across the globe! I will be visiting campus to network with other Boothies. How will you celebrate? Learn more and register at

Join fellow Chicago Booth alumni on October 26 for #GlobalBoothDay. Find an event in your area, hear from Booth faculty, grab a coffee with another Boothie, and more—how you celebrate is up to you! Learn more and register at

Ways to Engage

When posting about Global Booth Day, there are a few things you can do to maximize the impact of your posts.

  • Use #GlobalBoothDay in your captions.
  • Tag the Booth Alumni page when you post on LinkedIn or Instagram. We will see your post and can share it with the larger community.
  • During the event, share photos and continue to use the hashtag and tag the Booth Alumni pages so everyone can see the celebration. 

Instructions for Posting on Social Platforms

For more information about how to post on social, visit the platforms' explanation pages below: