Brian Jabarian is the Howard and Nancy Marks Principal Researcher at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.


Brian's research explores topics in judgment and decision-making, the economics of science and innovation, economics and morality. His work relies on experimental methods, observational data, and theoretical modeling. 

He has also developed initiatives to open economics to new, socially relevant topics, such as internal uncertainty, originated from psychology and humanities and relevant methods, such as LLMs, originated from computer science.


Charness, Gary, Brian Jabarian, and John A. List. Generation Next: Experimentation with AI. No. w31679. National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023.

Charness Gary, Uri Gneezy, Brian Jabarian. Experimental Methods: How People Resolve Uncertainty

Jabarian Brian, Simon Lazarus. A Two-Ball Ellsberg Paradox: An Experiment.

Jabarian Brian, Elia Sartori. Critical thinking and Storytelling.