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Amid rising expectations for high-quality products that deliver a great user experience, experts in product management with deep skills are in greater demand than ever.

At Booth, you’ll get everything you need to launch a vibrant career in product management after your MBA. Through workshops and other events, many of which are hosted by the James M. Kilts Center for Marketing, you’ll learn from industry experts and grow your network. In student-run groups, you’ll get to know peers who share your interests. And you’ll build a deep base of knowledge and skills that will set you up for success in any aspect of the field.

At Booth, You Own Your MBA Experience

A Booth MBA is rooted in The Chicago Approach, the educational philosophy that sets Booth apart from every other business school in the world. Grounded in the fundamental scientific disciplines at the heart of business—economics, accounting, psychology, sociology, and statistics—this transformative approach teaches all Booth students how to use theoretical frameworks to help them define problems, ask better questions, and develop evidence-based solutions.

At the same time, the MBA curriculum for Full-Time and Part-Time MBA students is the most flexible among the world’s top business schools. At Booth, the level and sequence in which you take your foundational courses is not set in stone. We give you the opportunity to customize your education to support your career interests and goals, because we know there is no singular roadmap to career success. As our students and alumni will tell you, everyone’s journey to the career they want is different. 

Product management courses are woven throughout the curriculum, giving you many opportunities to apply your MBA to product management. Here are just a few.

Course Short Description
Consumer Behavior Students learn that marketing begins and ends with the consumer, from understanding consumer needs to post-purchase satisfaction. They study consumer psychology and its implications for both business and personal reasons.
Marketing Strategy

This course introduces modern marketing management techniques and the fundamentals of modern marketing practice; specifically, the four tactical Ps—price, promotion, product, and place (distribution)—through the structural lens of the three Cs—customer, competition, and company.
Developing New Products and Services (also offered as a Lab)

Through company-sponsored, real-world innovation projects, students gain an in-depth understanding of current practices in new-product development, especially in the early, up-front stages of product development. The Lab version of this course provides students with an in-depth understanding of state-of-the-art practices in new product/service innovation, with an emphasis on the early up-front stages of the innovation process using Design Thinking methods.

To see more Booth MBA courses, visit our course catalog.

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MBA Concentrations at Booth You Can Consider

Our flexible curriculum gives you the freedom to focus your MBA experience on a specific area of interest. Earning an MBA concentration gives you deep knowledge in a given field and sets you up for success in your career. Concentrations are available to Full-Time, Evening, and Weekend MBA students.

MBA Student Groups in Product Management

Student-led groups offer a great opportunity to meet fellow students in your area of interest and explore careers in your field. Our many student organizations include several that are specifically focused on product management.

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Discover Alumni Outcomes

Our alumni are leveraging their MBAs in product management all over the world—heading up product marketing for LEGO, leading portfolio efforts at Comcast, and much more.

Dig into Our Employment Reports

Many of our students launch exciting careers in product management after earning an MBA. Check our employment reports to see the pathways they’ve created.

Explore Full-Time Product Management Employment Data

Explore Part-Time Product Management Employment Data

Booth Research Centers in This Area

Our interdisciplinary research centers give you access to workshops, conferences, leading scholars, and research opportunities.

Faculty Research in Product Management

Our faculty are award-winning scholars whose work is regularly covered in Chicago Booth Review, our influential magazine focusing on business, policy, and markets.

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