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The Wei Cai Faculty in Residence broadens and strengthens the school’s visibility and impact in Hong Kong and across Asia. Each faculty in residence advances their research agendas during their time in the region and focuses on external activities while in Hong Kong, including serving as ambassadors for Booth, representing the school’s intellectual capital, and exploring program and partnership potential. ­

Next Wei Cai Faculty in Residence

Bernd Wittenbrink Placeholder

Bernd Wittenbrink

Bernd Wittenbrink, the Robert S. Hamada Professor of Behavioral Science, will be the Wei Cai Faculty in Residence for Spring Quarter 2025. Wittenbrink is interested in the psychology of person perception and social judgment, specifically the influence that stereotypes and group attitudes may have on people’s decisions and behaviors. His research has been published in premier journals of social psychology, such as the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Social Cognition. His book on recent developments in attitude measurement, Implicit Measures of Attitudes, coauthored with N. Schwarz, is published by Guilford Press.

Bernd Wittenbrink

Previous Faculty in Residence

headshot of professor tengyuan liang Placeholder

Tengyuan Liang

Tengyuan Liang, professor of econometrics and statistics and William Ladany Faculty Fellow, was the second faculty in residence in Hong Kong during Spring Quarter 2024. Professor Liang’s research focuses on problems at the intersection of inference, learning, and optimization. He is the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award. His research has appeared in journals such as Econometrica, The Annals of Statistics, the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, and the Journal of Machine Learning Research, among others.

Tengyuan Liang
Haresh Sapra teaching a lecture Placeholder

Haresh Sapra

Haresh Sapra, the Charles T. Horngren Professor of Accounting, was the first faculty in residence in Hong Kong during Winter Quarter 2024. Sapra studies the real effects of accounting measurement policies, disclosure regulation, and corporate governance. He is currently the editor of the Journal of Accounting Research. Sapra has also won teaching awards in all the programs at Booth.

Haresh Sapra