
Bradley Shapiro studies empirical industrial organization and applied microeconomics. His expertise is in the economics of advertising and measuring advertising effectiveness. He also studies marketing in the health and pharmaceutical sectors, including how firm actions impact health choices by consumers, health outcomes of patients and market outcomes between competing firms. His research has appeared in the Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, Marketing Science, Management Science, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics and Quantitative Marketing Economics.

Shapiro earned a Ph.D. in economics from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Prior degrees include an M.S. in mathematics, a B.S. in mathematics, and a B.A. in economics all from Virginia Tech. Shapiro is also a certified private pilot and consults for a wine importing firm in his spare time.

At Booth, Shapiro teaches Marketing Strategy.

Academic Areas

  • Marketing

Working Papers

2024 - 2025 Course Schedule

Number Course Title Quarter
37800 Marketing Management 2025 (Spring)
37601 Marketing Workshop 2024 (Autumn)

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