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Pradeep K Chintagunta is interested in empirically studying consumer, agent and firm behavior. He has studied packaged goods, pharmaceutical, technology and online markets to answer questions related to pricing, advertising and channels of distribution. More recently, he has started working in “development marketing” – studying the role of marketing in economic development. “I am interested in studying how marketing practices can impact small businesses and entrepreneurial enterprises in emerging economies and how we can leverage marketing knowledge to improve health outcomes.”

Chintagunta is on the advisory editorial boards of Marketing Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics and the Journal of Marketing Research. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, the International Journal of Research Marketing, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, and the Journal of Econometrics.

In addition to being a finalist for the O'Dell award in both 1996 and 2001, Chintagunta is the recipient of the Hillel J. Einhorn Award for Excellence in Teaching and has been named one of the Chicago Booth's top professors by BusinessWeek.

"Teaching across programs such as full-time, evening, weekend, XP, and international XP exposes me to a variety of perspectives and experiences that I can then integrate into my subsequent teaching and research." He hopes his students learn that there is always more progress to be made.

He earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Banaras Hindu University in 1984, a postgraduate diploma in management from the Indian Institute of Management in 1986, and a PhD in marketing from Northwestern University in 1990. In addition to teaching at Chicago Booth, he has taught courses at the Harvard Business School and the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 1995.

Pradeep serves on the advisory boards of Operation ASHA, MuSigma and Syntasa and on the Board of Governors of his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He collects vintage electronics, enjoys traveling, movies, and spending time with his family.

Research Interests

Analysis of household purchase behavior; pharmaceutical markets; technology products.

Academic Areas

  • Marketing

Selected Publications

Working Papers

2023 - 2024 Course Schedule

Number Course Title Quarter
37902 Foundations of Advanced Quantitative Marketing 2024 (Winter)
37800 Marketing Management 2024 (Spring)
37110 Marketing Strategy (with Sustainability Simulation) 2024 (Winter)

2024 - 2025 Course Schedule

Number Course Title Quarter
37902 Foundations of Advanced Quantitative Marketing 2024 (Autumn)
37905 Marketing Literature Seminar 2025 (Winter)
37800 Marketing Management 2025 (Spring)
37110 Marketing Strategy (with Sustainability Simulation) 2024 (Autumn)

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