Spring Summit is a rendezvous of like-minded individuals for professional development and intellectually stimulating discussion at a corporate setting.


Southfield Westin Hotel
1500 Town Center
Southfield, Michigan

Event Details

The Center for Financial Planning, Inc.® has graciously invited Detroit Booth Women to attend their commemoration of the upcoming International Women's Day. The session will include Keynote speaker: Joscelyn A. Davis of JADE Strategies, who will discuss workplace barriers that professional women experience and provide strategies to overcome them and thrive. Attendance is limited so please register quickly.


No Charge


Register Online

Deadline: 3/1/2019


Lauren Adams, '12 
Director of Operations, Center for Financial Planning

Other Information

Since 2002, the Chicago Booth Women's Network (formerly known as the Chicago Women in Business Alumnae Network) is the worldwide organization of women graduates of the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Our mission is to support our alma mater, facilitate a global alumnae network online and in person, and support women in business worldwide. Visit our web site:
