Topic: "DOE Investments in Clean Energy". Bill Pegues, ’96, member of BEN, will host fellow alumni at the Department of Energy . Bill will discuss the work and opportunities presented by the Loan Programs Office followed by a tour of the DEO’s solar array on the roof.

After the presentation, alumni will gather at the Cantina Marina for cocktails and networking.


Department of Energy, Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, District of Columbia

Event Details

The Loan Programs Office continues to invest billions in private companies and lenders to mitigate the financing risks associated with clean energy projects and encourage the development of clean energy on a broader scale.
Alumni and guests who are unable to attend the presentation and tour are encouraged to attend the Cantina Marina around 4:30p on Friday, 20 May, to catch up with fellow BEN colleagues.

The Booth Energy Network (BEN) is a global network for Booth alumni and non-Booth University of Chicago alumni that share an interest in the energy sector. BEN is continuing to grow through local chapters in cities across the world and has become a platform for the active sharing of insights as well as a tool to reinforce a network of professional contacts amongst the entire Booth and University of Chicago community.


No Charge


Register Online

Deadline: 5/13/2011


2:00 PM-4:00 PM: DOE presentation and tour of the solar array

4:30 PM-6:00 PM: Cocktails and networking.


Claiborne Booker / Marcelo Lando 

571 295 2393

Other Information

Cantina Marina
600 Water St., SW
Washington, DC 20024
Deadline: 5/13/2011