How "smart" are we in the digital economy? For UChicago and Booth graduates, our ability to keep learning for work and in life is the key career differentiator. 


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Event Details

Chicago Booth Angels Network in Hong Kong invites you to join us on July 11 to get inspired by an exclusive group of experts from China and US on how to stay "smart" in the smart economy. We are delighted to have invited Jerry He, SM '97 (Chemistry), MBA '04 to speak for the first time in Hong Kong about how to develop future young talent for China.

Come and meet US and China leaders from K-12 and high education schools, venture funds and listed corporations on how to create the new world of learning for you and your next generations.

If you care about your future and the future of your next generations, don't miss it. Sign up for free.

Program and further details on the website:


No Charge


Register Online

Deadline: 7/11/2018


CK Han, '16 (AXP-15)