Join Professor Pradeep Chintagunta for an informal drink in Zurich.


UBS Offices
Paradeplatz 6
Zurich, Switzerland

Event Details

Chicago Booth alumni, current students and newly admitted Executive MBA students are cordially invited to a Social Mixer with Professor Pradeep Chintagunta

Enjoy an informal chat with Professor Chintagunta and alumni over a drink. Register Now!

For those who would like to stay on for dinner afterwards please join our alumni at Zunfthaus zur Waag at 19.15 (limited seating, please confirm by email).

Enjoy connecting!


Cash Bar


Register Online

Deadline: 4/11/2016

Speaker Profiles

Pradeep K. Chintagunta (Speaker)
Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing, Chicago Booth

View full bio here>>

Insights & Integration | Kilts Center Faculty Blog 


Oliver Banz, '05