We are very pleased to announce Mr. Damien Levie (LL.M 94), Member of the Cabinet of Commissioner Louis Michel and former President of the University of Chicago Alumni Club in Belgium as our distinguished speaker for this year. He will speak on how the University of Chicago Law School experience has influenced (and still influences) his career as an eminent lawyer. The European Commission has kindly offered to host the event in its prestigious Charlemagne building. This will be the ideal opportunity to catch up with your classmates and other alumni and to share your Chicago experience with admitted LL.M applicants (last year, all three admitted students attending the event chose to go to the University of Chicago). MBA alumni are most welcome too! We encourage you to join us at this promising event and look forward to seeing you there!


European Commission - Charlemagne Building
Rue de la Loi 170
Brussels, Belgium




Register Online
The LL.M event is a great value at € 45 per person (€ 35 for paying members of the UofC Alumni in Belgium*). Please transfer the appropriate amount to account 210-0555573-09 of the University of Chicago Alumni in Belgium, Fortis Bank, IBAN BE 52 2100 5555 7309, referencing “LL.M event 2008 – Name participant(s)”

Deadline: 3/13/2008


7:30 PM-10:00 PM: Cocktails and Sandwich Dinner


Kris Vansanten, '95