Join us for the weekend of the 7th of October 2011 in Paris for a 20k run and weekend of activities.


Friday 7th
Dinner & party at the "Cab", a famous Parisian club.
2 place du Palais Royal, 75001 Paris,
Métro Palais Royal. Important: fashion & smart clubbing dress code (no trainers, no t-shirts).
Price: 80€/pers (including dinner, drinks & club entrance).
Please confirm your participation ASAP, we need to pay an advance to book our Chicago Booth tables!

Saturday 8th
- Lunch: picnic at Notre Dame.
Meeting at 12 noon at the Square of Notre Dame Cathedral.
Please confirm your participation, we will organize the lunch (food & beverages) and ask you a contribution of 15€.
- Dinner: pasta dinner for the runners & much more for the others!
Address: PASTAPAPA, 94 rue St Denis, 75001 Paris,
Métro Etienne Marcel.
Please confirm your participation in advance.

Sunday 9th
Meeting point for runners and supporters for the 20km race - TBD
More information can be found on Facebook - BOOTH at the 20 km of Paris 2011. If you are not yet member, just join our community!


Various locations
Paris, France


Friday 7th
Dinner & Clubbing (80€/person)

Saturday 8th
Picnic Lunch (15€/person)
Pasta dinner (à la carte)


Register By Email

Deadline: 10/7/2011


Ludovic Lassauce, AXP-12