Join the Stigler Center for a seminar with Benjamin Enke (Harvard University) on the relationship between economics and morality.
Event Details
Moral considerations are deeply intertwined with economics and politics. However, economists have traditionally paid little attention to morality. Join the Stigler Center for a seminar with Benjamin Enke (Harvard), where he outlines the growing economics literature on the relationship between economics and morality, the different approaches to morality, and how these impact politico-economic outcomes. Enke will highlight how the analytical toolkit of economics has facilitated progress in the study of morality and politics, thus illuminating a wide range of important issues, such as voter behavior, policy preferences, and beyond.
Hybrid Event (in-person and virtual)
In-person location: Harper Center 104 – 5807 S. Woodlawn Ave, Chicago IL 60637 (*Livestream also available)