The Chicago Alumni of Austin invite you to join them on a trek to Texas wine country!


Barons Creek Vineyards
5865 E, US-290
Fredericksburg, Texas

Event Details

We have organized a Spring Hill Country wine tasting tour for all University of Chicago and Booth Alumni in Austin. This event will include a custom wine tour, including 3 different wineries. Please sign up as soon as possible so we can ensure we have an accurate headcount. We will meet at the first winery, Barons Creek, and can carpool to the next two wineries from there.


~$80 per person + tax/tip. Payment is due at the wineries.


Register Online

Deadline: 4/11/2024


Betsy Landoll, '18 

(310) 903-1332

Other Information

Additional contact information: Melissa Muckenthaler, (512) 810-9377