Chicago alumni in Belgium are invited you to a conference on Crowdlending platforms followed by a networking evening.


SBS-EM Building (R42.4.502)
Avenue F. D. Roosevelt 42
1050 Brussels, Belgium

Driving Directions:

Map available via this link.

Event Details

Frédéric Lévy Morelle [Founder and CEO Look & Fin] and Cyril Tramon [Founder and President WeShareBonds] will both discuss:

• Why they founded Look & Fin in 2012 and WeShareBonds in 2015 and their entrepreneurial journeys?
• Why crowdlending platforms are alternatives to traditional bank loans for SME businesses?
• How are the banking and asset management industries responding to this new asset class?
• What are the challenges going forward [e.g. regulatory; digitalisation; BtoC vs BtoB business-models]?

This event is organised by the University of Chicago Alumni Club of Belgium, the Solvay Schools Alumni Entrepreneurs Club and Finance Club and Ecole Polytechnique de Bruxelles Alumni.


19:00 - 19:20 Registration
19:20 - 19:30 Welcome
19:30 - 21:00 Keynote Presentation and Panel Discussion
21:00 - 22:00 Refreshments and Canapés


No Charge


Register By Email

Participation is free of charge, but mandatory. First 100 registrations will be accepted, then confirmed by email. 

Deadline: 11/29/2018

Speaker Profiles

Frédéric LEVY MORELLE (Speaker)
Founder & CEO, Look & Fin

Cyril TRAMON (Speaker)
Founder & President, WeShareBonds


Yves Van Hooland, '94