Join Harvard alumni in Munich on July 16th for a talk by Kathleen Coleman, James Loeb Professor of the Classics at Harvard University.
Event Details
This talk will be in German.
Der Vortrag von Professor Coleman hat den Titel "Für die Augen der Nachwelt: ein römisches Grabmal mit Kinderporträt und Gedicht" und ist auf deutsch.
(Title of the talk: For the Eyes of Posterity: A Roman Tomb with a Portrait of a Child and a Poem.)
Speaker Profiles
Kathleen Coleman (Speaker)
James Loeb Professor of the Classics, Harvard University Department of the Classics
Prof. Coleman is the James Loeb Professor of the Classics at Harvard, and is an expert in Latin literature, especially Flavian poetry; history and culture of the early Empire; arena spectacles; and Roman punishment. In 2012, she was elected Corresponding Member of the Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities) and is currently a member of the Executive Committee of the academy's 'Internationale Thesaurus-Kommission'. She is the author of numerous publications on antiquity, including the books Statius, Siluae IV: Text, Translation, and Commentary, for which she received the University of Cape Town Book Award, a prize shared with J. M. Coetzee (for Age of Iron), and Martial: Liber Spectaculorum: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary. Her awards and honors include the Alexander von Humboldt Forschungsstipendium; the Joseph R. Levenson Teaching Prize for Senior Faculty, awarded by the Undergraduate Council of Harvard College; and the Walter Channing Cabot Fellowship, (Harvard University). She received her Bachelor's degrees from the University of Cape Town and University of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), and her D. Phil from the University of Oxford.