Chicago Booth alumni are invited to the 2018 Annual Gala Dinner at the American Library in Paris on 8 June with with guest of honor
Salman Rushdie.
Event Details
The American Library in Paris is thrilled to welcome Salman Rushdie as honoree and keynote speaker at the 2018 Annual Gala Dinner. Rushdie is the author of thirteen novels including Midnight's Children, winner of the 1981 Booker Prize and Best of the Booker in 2008, The Satanic Verses, and most recently, The Golden House. He is also the author of a book of stories, East, West, and four works of non-fiction including his memoir Joseph Anton.
Salman Rushdie was knighted by the Queen in 2007 for his services to literature.
Individual tickets are 550€
A pair of tickets is 950€
Table sponsors will enjoy VIP access to Rushdie at a separate event.
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Deadline: 5/15/2018