Driving Directions:www.harrysbarandamericangrill.com
Event Details
Alumnae welcome prospective women students at this informal gathering. Join alumna host Andrea Sparrey, '03 and other graduates, as we share our MBA experiences in a casual atmosphere.
Please pass on the invitation to women you know who are considering business school this year. Prospective students can learn more at the Admissions Office web site: www.chicagobooth.edu/fulltime/admissions/events/diversity.aspx. Scroll down to your city.
Booth Women's Week is the sixth annual series of events hosted by alumnae in their hometowns around the world. This initiative is unique to Chicago Booth and demonstrates the enthusiasm and reach of our alumnae community.
See you there!
5:30 PM-7:30 PM: Happy Hour
Andrea Sparrey, '03
CWIBAN Mothers Initiative Chair