Join us for live coverage of US election day will finally take place on 8 November 2016, after months of heated campaigns, debates, political drama and relentless media coverage.
Driving Directions:
Parking is 5 minutes walking from the Executive Briefing Center.
Parking vouchers will be available at EBC reception.
Printable pdf of directions for parking>>
Event Details
The alumni associations in Belgium of Columbia, Harvard, Northwestern, Stanford, Boston and the UChicago and Chicago Booth are delighted to invite you and your friends at their US Election Night that will be held on 8 November at the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center in Brussels.
This event is made possible thanks to the kind contributions of Russell Reynolds Associates, Microsoft Corporation and Bank Degroof Petercam.
When votes are still being casted in the US and first live analyses will be coming in, you will have ample opportunity to reunite and network with your fellow US alumni and friends while enjoying fine American foods and beverages throughout the night. You will have the privilege to attend a lively and insightful debate between a representative of the Democrats Pauline Manos, vice-chair of the Democrats Abroad in Belgium and the Republicans, which will be moderated and commented by Mia Doornaert, journalist and avid US watcher and Bruno Colmant, macro strategist and member of the group executive committee at Bank Degroof Petercam. You will also be able to enjoy the vast social media opportunities offered by the Microsoft Executive Briefing Center and receive live updates on a night that may have a significant impact on the face of the US for the upcoming 4 years.