David Wippman, Dean of the University of Minnesota Law School, will be speaking about "Drones: The Evolving Law of War." In recent years, political and technological developments have blurred the boundaries between international and non-international armed conflicts, between law enforcement and military action, and between combatants and civilians. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the debates surrounding the U.S. use of drones for targeted killing in Pakistan, Yemen, and elsewhere. Dean Wippman will discuss these debates in the context of the evolving law of war.


Minneapolis Club
729 Second Avenue South
Minneapolis, Minnesota


$35.00 for Lunch and Parking


Register By Email

Deadline: 1/15/2013

Speaker Profiles

David Wippman (Speaker)
Princeton B.A. '76, Yale M.A. '78, Yale Law School '82, Dean of the University of Minnesota Law School


Bob Weisenfeld