Using Predictive Analytics To Grow Your Business


Gleacher Center
450 Cityfront Plaza Dr
Chicago, Illinois

Event Details

Using data to guide sales and marketing efforts has become a popular topic among business leaders from the boardroom to the front lines. Yet in many companies, efforts are stalled as the practical aspects of leveraging big data, predictive analytics, and artificial intelligence is masked by a lack of practical understanding of the financial benefits and business case as well as the change management efforts required.

In this presentation, Steve Susina will provide an overview of how he guided his organization to understand the ways predictive analytics could impact the organization, how he built a business case for implementation, and will share the before-and-after results of a successful implementation


$10 Early (before 1/8)

$15 Week of

$20 At the Door


Register Online

Deadline: 1/11/2018

Speaker Profiles

Steve Susina (Speaker)
Marketing Director, RevenueWell

An engineer by education and marketer by choice, Steve Susina uses data and analytics to help firms generate demand, establish thought leadership and strengthen the company brand. He currently serves as Marketing Di-rector for RevenueWell, a SasS provider of marketing and communications software for the dental industry. He is a Marketo Certified Expert with more than ten years experience developing and executing marketing automation strategies, helping firms generate more revenue through effective demand generation programs.

He holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Marquette University, an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh, and a Master of Science in Marketing Communications and eCommerce from the Illinois Institute of Technology.


Roger Moore, '92 
Senior Director / Gartner Consulting