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When Does Mandatory Price Disclosure Lower Prices? Evidence from the German Fuel Market
Montag, Felix, Sagimuldina, Alina, Winter, Christoph

Minority Representation at Work
Breuer, Matthias, Cai, Wei, Le, Anthony, Vetter, Felix

Racial Disparities in the U.S. Mortgage Market
Hurtado, Agustin, Sakong, Jung

Working Papers Archive

When Does Mandatory Price Disclosure Lower Prices? Evidence from the German Fuel MarketRacial Disparities in the U.S. Mortgage Market
# Title Author(s) Year
1 The Growth of Government Peltzman, Sam 1980
2 The Right to Privacy Posner, Richard A. 1978
3 Discrimination in HEW: Is the Doctor Sick or Are the Patients Healthy? Borjas, George 1978
4 Privacy, Secrecy, and Reputation Posner, Richard A. 1978
5 The Effect of the State on the Family Becker, Gary S. 1978
6 Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence Becker, Gary S. 1982
7 A Theory of Primitive Society with Special Reference to Law Posner, Richard A. 1979
8 A Case Study of the Impacts of Consumer Safety Regulation: The 1973 Mattress Flammability Standard Linneman, Peter 1979
9 The Effect of State Maximum Hours Laws on the Employment of Women in 1920 Landes, Elisabeth M. 1980
10 An Introduction to Privacy in Economics and Politics Stigler, George J. 1980
11 The Economist as Preacher Stigler, George J. 1980
12 The Ethics of Competition: The Friendly Economists Stigler, George J. 1980
13 The Ethics of Competition: The Unfriendly Critics Stigler, George J. 1980
14 The Economic Impacts of Minimum Wage Laws: A New Look at an Old Question Linneman, Peter 1980
15 Uncertain Availability, Spatial Location, and Regulation: An Application to the Airline Industry Spiller, Pablo 1980
16 The Economics of Privacy Posner, Richard A. 1980
17 Compensation for Automobile Accident Injuries: Is the Tort System Fair? -- and Insurance, Liability, and Accidents: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation of the Effect of No-Fault on Accidents Landes, Elisabeth M. 1980
18 Legislative Tenure Stigler, George J. 1980
19 The Effects of FTC Advertising Regulation Peltzman, Sam 1980
20 Efficient Redistribution in Agricultural Commodity Markets Gardner, Bruce 1981
21 Unemployment Insurance, Experience Rating, and the Occurrence of Unemployment Topel, Robert H. 1982
22 Environmental Regulation: Whose Self Interests Are Being Protected? Pashigian, B. Peter 1984
23 Competition Among Pressure Groups for Political Influence Becker, Gary S. 1982
24 Genesis of the Sherman Act Telser, Lester G. 1982
25 The Effect of Environmental Regulation on Optimal Plant Size and Factor Shares Pashigian, B. Peter 1983
26 Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rate from the Individual Income Tax Barro, Robert J. Sahasakul, Chaipat 1983
27 The Origin of the Sherman Act Stigler, George J. 1983
28 Economic Interpretation of the History of Congressional Voting in the Twentieth Century Peltzman, Sam 1983
29 Measuring the Average Marginal Tax Rates from Social Security and the Individual Income Tax Barro, Robert J. Sahasakul, Chaipat 1983
30 Winners and Losers under the Robinson-Patman Act Ross, Thomas W. 1983
31 The Extent of the Market Stigler, George J. Sherwin, Robert A. 1983
32 The Behavior of U.S. Deficits Barro, Robert J. 1984
33 The Impact of Product Recalls on the Wealth of Sellers Jarrell, Gregg A. Peltzman, Sam 1984
34 Store Wars: The Chain Tax Movement Ross, Thomas W. 1984
35 Public Policies, Pressure Groups, and Dead Weight Costs Becker, Gary S. 1984
36 An Economic Theory of Planned Obsolescence Bulow, Jeremy 1985
37 Frank Hyneman Knight Stigler, George J. 1985
38 The Health Effects of Mandatory Prescriptions Peltzman, Sam 1986
39 Differences in Education and Earnings among Racial and Ethnic Groups: Testing Alternative Hypotheses Chiswick, Barry R. 1986
40 The Impact of Occupational Safety and Health Regulation, 1973-83 Viscusi, W. Kip 1986
41 A Theory of Rational Addiction Becker, Gary S. Murphy, Kevin M. 1986
42 Why Have Some Farmers Opposed Futures Markets? Pashigian, B. Peter 1987
43 A Constant Recontracting Model of Sovereign Debt Bulow, Jeremy A. Rogoff, Kenneth 1986
44 The Theory and the Facts of How Markets Clear: Is Industrial Organization Valuable for Understanding Macroeconomics? Carlton, Dennis W. 1986
45 Immigration Policy, Source Countries and Immigrant Skills: Australia, Canada and the United States Chiswick, Barry R. 1987
46 Is Risk Aversion a Theoretical Diversion? Hartzmark, Michael L. 1987
47 Luck versus Forecasting Ability: Determinants of Trader Performance in Futures Markets Hartzmark, Michael L. 1987
48 Over-Education in the Labor Market Sicherman, Nachum 1987
49 Demand Uncertainty and Sales: A Study of Fashion and Markdown Pricing Pashigian, B. Peter 1987
50 John Stuart Mill Stigler, George J. 1988
51 A Theory of Career Mobility Galor, Oded Sicherman, Nachum 1988
52 Alternative Mechanisms for Corporate Control Morck, Randall Shleifer, Andrel Vishny, Robert W. 1988
53 How Efficient Is the Voting Market? Peltzman, Sam 1988
54 The Effects of Tax or Expenditure Limits on State Governments Dougan, William R. 1988
55 Labor Market Adjustments to Increased Immigration LaLonde, Robert J. Topel, Robert H. 1989
56 The Future of Higher Education: An Economic Perspective Stigler, George J. 1989
57 Can Price Uncertainty Explain Why and WhenProducts Are Sold on Sale? Pashigian, B. Peter 1989
58 A Simple Theory of Advertising as a Good Becker, Gary S. Murphy, Kevin M. 1990
59 The Effects of Malpractice Litigation on Physicians' Fees and Incomes Danzon, Patricia M. Pauly, Mark V. Kington, Raynard S. 1990
60 Mandated Employment-Based Health Insurance: Incidence and Efficiency Effects Danzon, Patricia M. 1990
61 An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette Addiction Becker, Gary S. Grossman, Michael Murphy, Kevin M. 1990
62 Interest-Group Politics under Majority Rule Dougan, William R. Snyder, James 1990
63 Fundamental Stocks of Knowledge and the Growth of Inputs Adams, James D. Sveikauskas, Leo 1990
64 Congressional Control or Judicial Independence: The Determinants of U.S. Supreme Court Labor Relations Decisions, 1949-1988 Spiller, Pablo T. Gely, Rafael 1990
65 The Allocation of Talent: Implications for Growth Murphy, Kevin M. Shleifer, Andrei Vishny, Robert W. 1990
66 Quality and Trade Murphy, Kevin M. Shleifer, Andrei 1991
67 A Note on Restaurant Pricing and Other Examples of Social Influences on Price Becker, Gary S. 1991
68 Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Consumption Becker, Gary S. Grossman, Michael Murphy, Kevin M. 1991
69 Estimates of Supply Conditions for Eight Commodities Telser, Lester G. 1991
70 The Rising Cost of Time of Females, the Growth of National Brands and the Supply of Retail Services Pashigian, B. Peter Bowen, Brian 1991
71 Habits, Addictions, and Traditions Becker, Gary S. 1991
72 The Market for Lawyers Rosen, Sherwin 1991
73 Analytic Review of Educational Choice Literature and Annotated Bibliography Frumkin, Peter 1992
74 Japanese Antitrust Law and the Competitive Mix Dick, Andrew R. 1992
75 Strategic Trade Policy and Welfare: The Empirical Consequences of Foreign Ownership Dick, Andrew R. 1992
76 Damage Schedules and Their potential in Mitigating Adverse Selection in the Products Liability System Niehaus, Gregg Synder, Edward A. 1992
77 Rigid wages? McLaughlin, Kenneth J. 1992
78 The Political Economy of the Decline of American Public Education Peltzman, Sam 1992
79 The Division of Labor, Coordination Costs, and Knowledge Becker, Gary S. Murphy, Kevin M. 1992
80 Litigation under the English and American Rules: Theory and Evidence Hughes, James W. Synder, Edward A. 1992
81 Inter-industry Mobility and the Cyclical Upgrading of Labor Bils, Mark McLaughlin, Kenneth J. 1992
82 Why Has the Pricing of New Cars Changed? Pashigian, B. Peter Bowen, Brian 1992
83 The Market for Engineers Ryoo, Jaewoo Rosen, Sherwin 1992
84 Contrarian Investment, Extrapolation, and Risk Lakonishok, Josef Shleifer, Andrei Vishny, Robert W. 1993
85 Voucher Privatization Boycko, Maxim Shlelfer, Andrei Vishny, Robert W. 1993
86 The 1920's Boom and the Great Crash Bittlingmayer, George 1993
87 The Output and Stock Price Effects of Loose Antitrust: Experience under the NRA Bittlingmayer, George 1993
88 The Design of Schools as Output-Driven Organizations Coleman, James S. 1993
89 Government and the Stock Market: The Effects of Antitrust Bittlingmayer, George 1993
90 Corporate Bankruptcy as a Filtering Device: Chapter 11 Reorganizations and Out-of-Court Debt Restructuring White, Michelle J. 1993
91 The Social Costs of Regulation and Lack of Competition in Sweden Fölster, Stefan Peltzman, Sam 1993
92 Trade Politics and the Semi-conductor Industry Irwin, Douglas A. 1994
93 Measuring the Benefits of Homeowning: Effects on Children Green, Richard K. White, Michelle J. 1994
94 The New Economics of Teachers and Education Flyer, Frederick Rosen, Sherwin 1994
95 The Effect of Catholic Secondary Schooling on Educational Attainment Neal, Derek 1994
96 Economic Impact of International Migration and the Economic Performance of Migrants LaLonde, Robert J. Topel, Robert H. 1994
97 How Reelection Constituencies Matter Stratmann, Thomas 1994
98 On the Endogenous Determination of Time Preference Becker, Gary S. Mulligan, Casey B. 1994
99 On the Great Depression Telser, L. G. 1994
100 Managerial Compensation, Control, and Investment Rosen, Sherwin 1994
101 Catalogue of the George Joseph Stigler Manuscripts in Special Collections, Regenstein Library, University of Chicago Friedland, Claire 1994
102 Much Ado About Nothing? Capital Market Reactions to Changes in Antitrust Precedent Concerning Exclusive Territories Glied, Sherry A. Kroszner, Randall S. 1994
103 The Role of Firewalls in Universal Banks: Evidence from Commercial Bank Securities Activities before the Glass-Steagall Act Kroszner, Randall S. Rajan, Raghuram G. 1994
104 Individual Compensation and Firm Performance: The Economics of Team Incentives McLaughlin, Kenneth J. 1994
105 The Bias Towards Zero in Aggregate Perceptions: An Explanation Based on Rationally Calculating Individuals Fremling, Gertrud M. Lott Jr., John R. 1994
106 Public Employment, Taxes and the Welfare State in Sweden Rosen, Sherwin 1995
107 Antitrust and Higher Education Carlton, Dennis W. Bamberger, Gustavo E. Epstein, Roy J. 1994
108 Political Economy of Public Education: Non-college-bound Students Peltzman, Sam 1994
109 Externalities and Corporate Objectives in a World with Diversified Shareholder/Consumers Hansen, Robert G. Lott Jr., John R. 1995
110 Do Minimum Length of Schooling Requirements for Professional Licenses Increase Quality? Lott Jr., John R. 1995
111 You Keep On Knocking But You Can't Come In: Evaluating Restrictions On Access To Input Joint Ventures Carlton, Dennis W. Salop, Steven C. 1995
112 Have Changing Liability Rules Compensated Workers Twice for Occupational Hazards?: Earnings Premiums and Cancer Risks Lott Jr., John R. Manning, Richard L. 1995
113 Public School Choice: Some Evidence from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 Schneider, Barbara Schiller, Kathryn S. Coleman, James S. 1995
114 Political Influence on the Central Bank- International Evidence Cukierman, Alex Webb, Steven 1995
115 Internalizing Agglomeration Economies: The Pricing of Space in Shopping Malls Pashigian, B. Peter Gould, Eric 1995
116 Fatal Encounters: An Economic Theory of Accidental Injury with Application to New Zealand's No-Fault System Hause, John C. 1995
117 Testing Whether Predatory Commitments are Credible Lott Jr., John R. Opler, Tim C. 1995
118 Do Campaign Donations Alter How a Politician Votes? Bronars, Stephen G. Lott Jr., John R. 1995
119 Regulatory Incentives and the Thrift Crisis: Dividends, Mutual-to-Stock Conversions, and Financial Distress Kroszner,, Randall S. Strahan, Philip E. 1995
120 Ticket Pricing Rosen, Sherwin Rosenfield, Andy 1995
121 A Simple Explanation for Why Campaign Expenditures are Increasing: The Government is Getting Bigger Lott Jr., John R. 1995
122 Self-Regulation and Social Welfare: The Political Economy of Corporate Environmentalism Maxwell, John W. Lyon, Thomas P. Hackett, Steven C. 1995
123 Products Liability and Prescription Drug Prices in Canada and the United States Manning, Richard L. 1996
124 Log-Rolling and Economic Interests in the Passage of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Irwin, Douglas A. Kroszner, Randall S. 1996
125 Early Weather Information, Cost That May Be Sunk, And The Ensuing Rate of Return Craft, D. Erik 1996
126 Interest Group Competition and the Organization of Congress: Theory And Evidence from Financial Services Political Action Committees Kroszner, Randall S. Stratmann, Thomas 1996
127 Right-to-Carry Concealed Handguns and the Importance of Deterrence Lott Jr., John R. Mustard, David B.M 1996
128 Regulation and Investment Behavior: Evidence From the Electric Utility Industry Lyon, Thomas P. Mayo, John W. 1996
129 Mortality Contingent Claims, Health Care, and Social Insurance Philipson, Tomas Becker, Gary S. 1996
130 On the Great Depression Telser, L.G. 1996
131 Were the Good Old Days That Good? The Evolution of Managerial Stock Ownership Since the Great Depression Holderness, Clifford G. Kroszner, Randall S. Sheehan, Dennis P. 1996
132 An Empirical Examination of Information Barriers to Trade in Insurance Cawley, John Philipson, Tomas 1997
133 Austrian and Neoclassical Economics: Any Gains From Trade? Rosen, Sherwin 1997
134 The Future of Old-Age Longevity: Competitive Pricing of Morality Contingent Claims Mullin, Charles Philipson, Tomas 1997
135 Potato Paradoxes Rosen, Sherwin 1997
136 The Political Economy of Deregulation: Evidence From the Relaxation of Bank Branching Restrictions in the United States Kroszner, Randall S. Strahan, Philip E. 1997
137 Interests, Institutions, and Ideology in the Republican Conversion to Trade Liberalization, 1934-1945 Irwin, Douglas A. Kroszner, Randall S. 1997
138 Ethic Norms and Their Transformation Through Reputational Cascades Kuran, Timur 1997
139 Social Status and Economic Performance: A Survey Weiss, Yoram Fershtman, Chaim 1997
140 The Absorption of Highly Skilled Immigrants: Israel, 1990 - 1995 Weiss, Yoram Eckstein, Zvi 1998
141 Defense Procurement Fraud, Penalties, & Contractor Influence Karpoff, Jonathan M. 1998
142 Prices Rise Faster Than They Fall Peltzman, Sam 1998
143 Contracts, Externalities, and Incentives in Shopping Malls: An Empirical Analysis Pashigian, B. Peter Gould, Eric D. 1998
144 Deadweight Costs and the Size of Government Becker, Gary S. Mulligan, Casey B. 1998
145 The Strategic Use Of Tying To Preserve And Create Market Power In Evolving Industries Carlton, Dennis W. Waldman, Michael 1998
146 The Rise in Old Age Longevity and the Market for Long-Term Care Philipson, Thomas Lakdawalla, Darius 1998
147 Are Immigrants Favorably Self-Selected? An Economic Analysis Chiswick, Barry R. 1999
148 The Double Negative" Effect on Earnings of Limited Language Proficiency Among Immigrants in Canada Chiswick, Barry R. 1999
149 The Language Practice Among Immigrants in Canada Chiswick, Barry R. 1999
150 Bankers on Boards: Monitoring Conflicts of Interest & Lender Liability Kroszner, Randall S. Strahan, Philip E. 1999
151 Is the Financial System Politically Independent? Perspectives on the Political Economy of Banking and Financial Regulation Kroszner, Randall S. 1999
152 Immigrant Earnings: Language Skills, Linguistic Concentrations and the Business Cycle Chiswick, Barry R. Miller, Paul W. 1999
153 Firm Responses to Growing Inequality in Income and the Cost of Time Pashigian, B. Peter Sun, Jeanne-Mey 1999
154 Gerontocracy, Retirement, and Social Security Mulligan, Casey B. Sala-i-Martin, Xavier 1999
155 Does Political Ambiguity Pay? Corporate Campaign contributions and the Rewards to Legislator Reputation Kroszner, Randall S. Stratmann, Thomas 1999
156 Alcohol Cook, Philip J. Moore, Michael J. 1999
157 Can Monopoly Unionism Explain Publicly Induced Retirement? Mulligan, Casey B. 2000
158 Obstacles To Optimal Policy: The Interplay of Politics and Economics in Shaping Bank Supervision and Regulation Reforms Kroszner, Randall S. Strahan, Philip E. 2000
159 Merit Motives & Government Intervention: Public Finance in Reverse Mulligan, Casey B Philipson, Tomas J. 2000
160 Status, Lotteries, and Inequality Becker, Gary S. Werning, Ivan Murphy, Kevin M. 2000
161 Teaching Microeconomics in Wonderland Pashigian, Peter B. 2000
162 The Effects of School Quality on the Youth Labor Market Peltzman, Sam Murphy, Kevin 2000
163 Entrepreneurial Ability, Market Selection and Setting Up an Infant Industry-Theory and Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Textile Industry Murphy, Kevin S. Braguinsky, Ohyama A. 2001
164 Competition, Monopoly, and Aftermarkets Carlton, Dennis W. Waldman, Michael 2000
165 The Veterans' Bonus of 1936 and the Abortive Recovery from the Great Depression Telser, Lester G. 2001
166 A Simple Model of Pharmaceutical Price Dynamics, version 1.1 Vogt, William B. Bhattacharya, Jayanta 2001
167 Could we Tell if Health Insurance Mandates Cause Unemployment? A Note on the Literature Vogt, William B. Bhattacharya, Jayanta 2001
168 It's What You Know, Not How You Learned to Teach It: Evidence from a Study of the Effects of Knowledge an d Pedagogy on Student Achievement Vogt, William B. Strauss, Robert P. 2001
169 Offsetting Behavior and Medical Breakthroughs Peltzman, Sam 2001
170 A Century of Labor-Leisure Distortions Mulligan, Casey 2001
171 Economic Limits on "Rational" Democratic Redistribution Mulligan, Casey 2002
172 Private Benefits of Control: An International Comparison Zingales, Luigi 2001
173 Does Local Financial Development Matter? Zingales, Luigi 2002
174 The Growth of Obesity and Technological Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination Lakdawalla, Darius Philipson, Tomas 2002
175 Bidder Discounts and Target Premia in Takeovers Braguinsky, Serguey Jovanovic, Boyan 2002
176 Cooperative Technology Adoption Under Global Competition: The Case of Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry Braguinsky, Serguey Ohyama, Atsushi Rose, David 2002
177 Offsetting Behavior and Medical Breakthroughs Peltzman, Sam 2002
178 The Dual Effects of Intellectual Property Regulations: Within - and Between- Patent Competition in The US Pharmaceuticals Industry Philipson, Tomas J. Lichtenberg, Frank 2002
179 Remembrance and Appreciation Roundtable George J. Stigler (1911-1991): Scholar, Father, Dissertation Advisor, Referee, Textbook Writer and Policy Analyst Friedland C., Goodwin C. Hammond C., et al. 2002
180 Social Security and Democracy Mulligan C., Gil Sala-I-Martin, X., Ricard 2002
181 Illegal Sports Bookmakers Strumpf, Koleman 2003
182 Peoples Opium? Religion and Economic Attitudes Zingales, Luigi Sapienza, Paola Guiso, Luigi 2002
183 Banks and Markets: The Changing Character of European Finance Rajan, Raghuram Zingales, Luigi 2003
184 The Corporate Governance Role of the Media Zingales, Luigi Dyck, Alexander 2002
185 The State of U.S. Corporate Governance: What's Right and What's Wrong? Kaplan, Steven Holmstrom, Bengt 2003
186 Characteristics, Contracts and Actions: Evidence From Venture Capitalist Analyses Kaplan, Steven Stromberg, Per 2002
187 An Empirical Study of Darwin's Theory of Mate Choice Wong, Linda 2003
188 Why do Only 5.5% of Black Men Marry White Women? Wong, Linda 2002
189 What do Aggregate Consumption Euler Equations Say about the Capital Income Tax Burden? Mulligan, Casey B 2004
190 Population and Regulation Mulligan, Casey B Shleifer, Andrei 2003
191 Economics Of Corporate Governance Reform Kroszner, Randy 2003
192 The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World Inequality Becker, Gary S. 2004
193 The Economics of Open-Access Journals McCabe, Mark Snyder, Christopher M. 2004
194 Targeting Employees for Corporate Crime and Preventing Their Indemnification Mullin, Wallace P. Snyder, Christopher M. 2004
195 Conscription as Regulation Mulligan, Casey B. Shleifer, Andrei 2004
196 Solution to Japan's Breaking Problems: What might work and what definitely will fail? Hoshi, Takeo Kashyap, Anil K. 2004
197 Theft and Taxes Desai, Mihir A. Dyck, Alexander Zingales, Luigi 2004
198 Intellectual Property & External Consumption Effects: Generalizations From Health Care Markets Tomas, Philipson Stéphane, Mechoulan 2005
200 The Climate for Business Development and Employment Growth in Puerto Rico Davis, Steven J. Rivera-Batiz, Luis 2005
201 Do Liquidation Values Affect Financial Contracts? Evidence From Commercial Loan Contracts and Zoning Regulations Benmelech, Efram Garmaise, Mark J. Moskowitz, Tobias J. 2005
202 Bank Mergers and Crime: The Real and Social Effects of Credit Market Competition Garmaise, Mark J. Moskowitz, Tobias J. 2005
203 Catastrophic Risks, a Catastrophic Event and Credit Markets Garmaise, Mark J. Moskowitz, Tobias J. 2005
205 Disease and Development: Evidence from Hookworm Eradication in the American South Bleakley, Hoyt 2006
206 Zombie Lending and Depressed Restructuring in Japan Caballero, Ricardo J. Hoshi, Takeo Kashyap, Anil K. 2006
207 Theft and Taxes Desai, Mihir A. Dyck, Alexander Gonzales, Luigi 2006
208 Does Culture Affect Economic Outcomes? Zingales, Luigi Guiso, Luigi Sapienza, Paola 2006
209 The Persistence of Underdevelopment: Institutions, Human Capital, or Constituencies? Zingales, Luigi Rajan, Raghuram G. 2006
210 Are Elite Universities Losing Their Competitive Edge? Zingales, Luigi Morse, Adair Kim, E. Han 2006
211 Malaria in the Americas: A Retrospective Analysis of Childhood Exposure Bleakley, Hoyt 2006
212 What Has Mattered to Economics Since 1970 Zinglales, Luigi, Morse, Adair, Kim, E. Han 2006
213 Thick-Market Effects and Churning in the Labor Market: Evidence from U.S. Cities Bleakley, Hoyt, Lin, Jeffrey 2006
214 Who Blows The Whistle on Corporate Fraud Zinglales, Luigi, Morse, Adair, Dyck, Alexander 2007
215 How Has CEO Turnover Changed? Kaplan, Steven, Minton, Bernadetter 2007
216 Intellectual Property and Marketing Philipson, Tomas, Lakdawalla, Darius 2007
217 Cost-Benefit Analysis of the FDA: The Case of the Prescription Drug User Fee Acts Philipson, Tomas, Berndt, Ernst, Gottschalk, Adrian, Sun, Eric 2007
218 Is the Food and Drug Administration Safe and Effective? Philipson, Tomas, Sun, Eric 2007
219 TheRole of Private Schools in Education Markets Neal, Derek 2007
220 Electricity Pricing to U.S. Manufacturing Plants, 1963-2000 Davis, S., Grim, C, Haltiwanter, J., Streitwieser, M. 2008
221 Mergers of Equals & Unequals Smeets, V. Ierulli, K., Gibbs, M., 2008
222 Why are Jobs Designed the Way They Are? Gibbs, M., Levenson, A., Zoghi, C 2008
223 Long Term Persistence Guiso, Luigi 2008
224 Media versus Special Interests Dyck, A., Moss, D., Zingales, L. 2008
225 Mortality Inequality Peltzman, Sam 2009
226 Land and Credit: A Study of the Political Economy of Banking inthe United States in the Early 20th Century Rajan, R. Ramcharan, R. 2009
227 Why Do Firms Own Production Chains? Hortacsu, A, Syverson, C. 2009
228 Leveraged Buyouts and Private Equity Kaplan, S, Stromberg, P. 2008
229 Wall Street and Main Street: What Contributes to the Rise in the Highest Incomes? Kaplan, St. , Rauh, J. 2009
230 Which CEO Characteristics and Abilities Matter? Kaplan, S, Klebanov, M, Sorensen, M. 2008
231 Proof of Common Impact in Antitrust Litigation: The Value of Regression Analysis Cremieux, P., Simmons, I., Snyder, E. 2010
232 Antitrust Treatment of Nonprofits: Should Hospitals Receive Special Care? Capps, C., Carlton, D., David G. 2010
233 Global Antitrust Enforcement: An Empirical Assessment of the Influence of Protectionism Cremieux, P., Snyder, E. 2010
234 On the Economics of Climate Policy Becker, G., Murphy, K., Topel, R. 2010
235 Reforming the Welfare State: Recovery and Beyond in Sweden Freeman, R., Swedenborg, B., Topel, R. 2009
236 Wage Determination and Employment in Sweden Since the Early 1990s – Wage Formation in a New Setting Fredriksson, P., Topel, R. 2008
237 Can Medical Progress be Sustained? Implications of the Link Between Development and Output Markets Malani, A., Philipson, T.J. 2011
238 Are Household Surveys Like Tax Forms: Evidence from Income Underreporting of the Self-Employed Hurst, E., Li, G., Pugsley, B. 2011
239 Understanding Small Business Heterogeneity Hurst, E., Pugsley, B. 2011
240 Simple Analytics and Empirics of the Government Spending Multiplier and Other "Keynesian" Paradoxes Mulligan, C. 2011
241 Capital-Market Effects of Securities Regulation: The Role of Implementation and Enforcement Christensen, H., Hail, L., Leuz, C. 2010
242 "Has Economic Policy Uncertainty Hampered the
Baker, S., Bloom, N., Davis, S. 2012
243 Does Labor Supply Matter During a Recession?
Evidence from the Seasonal Cycle
Mulligan, C. 2011
244 Do Newspapers Serve the State? Incumbent Party Influence on the US Press, 1869 - 1928 Gentzkow, M., Petek, N, Shapiro, J.M. 2012
245 Duration Dependence and Labor Market Conditions: Evidence from a Field Experiment
Kroft, K.,Lange, F., Notowidigdo, M 2013
246 Adjusting Measures of Economic Output for Health: Is the Business Cycle Countercyclical? Egan, M., Mulligan, C., Philipson, T. J. 2013
247 The Intergenerational Transmission of Automobile Brand Preferences: Empirical Evidence and Implications for Firm Strategy Anderson, S., Kellog, R., Langer A., Sallee J. 2013
248 The Prison Boom & The Lack of Black Progress After Smith & Welch Neal, D., Rick, A. 2013
249 Economics of National Security: Some Basic Economies of National Security
Murphy, K.M, Topel, R.H 2013
250 Competitive Discounts and Antitrust Policy Murphy, K.M., Snyder E. A, Topel, R. H 2013
251 International Health Economics Egan, M., Philipson, T. 2013
253 Human Capital Investment, Inequality and Growth Murphy, K.M., Topel R. H. 2014
254 Does Privatized Health Insurance Benefit Patients or Producers? Evidence from Medicare Advantage Cabral, M., Geruso, M, Mahoney, N. 2015
255 The Economics of Attribute-Based Regulation: Theory and Evidence from Fuel-Economy Standards Ito, Koichiro., Sallee, J. M 2015
256 The Market for Financial Adviser Misconduct Egan, Mark Matvos, Gregor, Seru, Amit 2016
257 Declining Labor and Capital Shares Barkai, Simcha 2016
258 The Job Rating Game: The Effects of Revolving Doors on Analyst Incentives Kempf, Elisabeth 2017
259 Political Determinants of Competition in the Mobile Telecommunication Industry Faccio, Mara, Zingales, Luigi 2017
260 When Harry Fired Sally: The Double Standard in Punishing Misconduct(SSRN) Egan, MarkMatvos,Gregor Seru,Amit 2017
261 Demand for (Un)Biased News: The Role of Government Control in Online News Markets Simonov, Andrey Rao, Justin 2017
262 Why Do Managers Fight Shareholder Proposals? Evidence from SEC No-Action Letter Decisions Matsusaka, John G. Ozbas, Oguzhan, Yi,Irene
263 Public Policy and the Initiative and Referendum: A Survey with Some New Evidence Matsusaka, John G. 2017
264 When Do Legislators Follow Constituent Opinion? Evidence from Matched Roll Call and Referendum Votes Matsusaka, John G. 2017
265 Towards a Political Theory of the Firm
Zingales, Luigi 2017
266 Origins of Impersonal Markets in Commercial and Communication Revolutions of Europe
Raj, Prateek 2017
267 Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value
Hart, Oliver Zingales, Luigi 2017
268 Is Pollution Value-Maximizing? The DuPont Case
Shapira, Roy, Zingales, Luigi 2017
269 Diagnosing The Italian Disease
Pellegrino, Bruno, Zingales, Luigi 2017
270 How Does Financial-Reporting Regulation Affect Market-Wide Resource Allocation?
Breuer, Matthias 2017
271 Capitalists in the Twenty-First Century
Smith, Matthew, Yagan, Danny, Zidar, Owen, Zwick, Eric 2017
272 Is Aggregate Market Power Increasing? Production Trends Using Financial Statements
Traina, James 2018
273 What Insights Do Taxi Rides Offer into Federal Reserve Leakage?
Finer, David 2018
274 Tax-Exempt Lobbying: Corporate Philanthropy as a Tool for Political Influence Bertrand, Marianne, Bombardini, Matilde, Fisman, Raymond, Trebbi, Francesco 2018
275 The Impact of Restricting Labor Mobility on Corporate Investment and Entrepreneurship Jeffers,Jessica S. 2018
276 Do Marginal Products Differ from User Costs? Micro-Level Evidence from Italian Firms Lenzu, Simone, Manaresi, Francesco 2018
277 70 Years of US Corporate Profits Barkai, Simcha, Benzell, Seth G. 2018
278 Special Interest Influence under Direct versus Representative Democracy Matsusaka, John G. 2018
279 The Economic Limits of Bitcoin and the Blockchain Budish, Eric 2018
280 The "People's Bridge":Popular Sovereignty and the Charles River Bridge Case Atkinson, Evelyn 2018
281 What Went Wrong?: The Puerto Rican Debt Crisis, The "Treasury Put," And The Failure Of Market Discipline Chirinko, Robert, Chiu, Ryan, Henderson, Shaina 2018
282 The Cost of Convenience: Ridesharing and Traffic Fatalities Barrios, John M. Hochberg, Yael V. Yi, Livia Hanyi 2018
283 Depositors Disciplining Banks: The Impact of Scandals Homanen, Mikael 2018
284 Does Fiscal Monitoring Make Better Governments? Evidence from US Municipalities Nakhmurina, Anya 2018
285 The Politics of Blood Safety Regulation in China: The Blood Plasma Economy and the Making of China's Blood Safety Regulatory Regime Yang, Dali L. 2018
286 Disclosure Regulation, Corruption, and Investment: Evidence from Natural Resource Extraction Rauter, Thomas 2019
287 Terrorism Financing, Recruitment and Attacks: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Limodio, Nicola 2019
288 Mergers, Aggregate Productivity, and Markups Chen, Peter 2019
289 The Revolving Door and Regulatory Enforcement Egerod, Benjamin C.K. 2019
290 The Employment Effects of Gender-Specific Minimum Wage Marchingiglio, Riccardo, Poyker, Michael 2019
291 The Value of Political Geography: Evidence from the Redistricting of Firms Artés, Joaquín, Richter, Brian Kelleher, Timmons, Jeffrey F. 2019
292 Patronage and Selection in Public Sector Organizations Colonnelli, Emanuele, Prem, Mounu, Teso, Edoardo 2019
293 Corruption and Firms Colonnelli, Emanuele, Prem, Mounu 2019
294 Kill Zone Kamepalli, Sai Krishna, Rajan, Raghuram, Zingales, Luigi 2019
295 Importing Threat: The Electoral Logic of Economic Relief Gulotty, Robert, Kim, Minju 2019
296 The Political Limits of Economics Zingales, Luigi 2020
297 Risk Perception Through the Lens of Politics in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic Barrios, John M., Hochberg, Yael 2020
298 Assessing the Payroll Protection Program: A Framework and Preliminary Results Barrios, John M., Minnis, Michael, Minnis, William, Sijthoff, Joost 2020
299 Civic Capital and Social Distancing during the Covid-19 Pandemic Barrios, John M., Benmelech, Efraim, Hochberg, Yael V., Sapienza, Paola, Zingales, Luigi 2020
300 Quantifying the High-Frequency Trading “Arms Race”: A Simple New Methodology and Estimates Aquilina, Matteo, Budish, Eric, O'Neill, Peter 2020
301 A Theory of Stock Exchange Competition and Innovation: Will the Market Fix the Market? Budish, Eric, Lee, Robin S., Shim, John J. 2020
302 Exit vs. Voice Broccardo, Eleonora, Hart, Oliver, Zingales, Luigi 2020
303 Competition in Digital Markets: A Review of Expert Reports Lancieri, Filippo, Sakowski, Patricia Morita 2020
304 Reversing the Resource Curse: Foreign Corruption Regulation and Economic Development Christensen, Hans B., Maffett, Mark, Rauter, Thomas 2020
305 Selfish Corporations Colonnelli, Emanuele, Gormsen, Niels Joachim 2020
306 “Drive and Wave”: The Response to LAPD Police Reforms After Rampart Prendergast, Canice 2021
307 The Department of Economics at the University of Chicago, 1947–1982 Harberger, Arnold C., Edwards, Sebastian 2021
308 Concentration in Product Markets Benkard, C. Lanier, Yurukoglu, Ali, Zhang, Anthony Lee 2021
309 Transatlantic Roads to Mont Pèlerin: “Old Chicago” and Freiburg in a World of Disintegrating Orders Kolev, Stefan, Köhler, Ekkehard A. 2021
310 The Decline of the Labor Share is not Explained by the Capitalization of Intellectual Property Products Barkai, Simcha 2021
311 Good News for Some Banks Adams, Renée B. 2021
312 Information Exposure and Corporate Citizenship Liu, Lisa Yao, Lu, Shirley 2021
313 The Political Polarization of Corporate America Fos, Vyacheslav, Kempf, Elisabeth, Tsoutsoura, Margarita 2021
314 What Purpose Do Corporations Purport? Evidence from Letters to Shareholders Rajan, Raghuram, Ramella, Pietro, Zingales, Luigi 2022
315 The Political Economy of the Decline of Antitrust Enforcement in the United States Lancieri, Filippo, Posner, Eric, Zingales, Luigi 2022
316 Does Political Partisanship Cross Borders? Evidence from International Capital Flows Kempf, Elisabeth, Luo, Mancy, Schafer, Larissa, Tsoutsoura, Margarita 2022
317 The New Corporate Governance Hart, Oliver, Zingales, Luigi 2022
318 No Shock Waves through Wall Street? Market Responses to the Risk of Nuclear War Finer, David Andrew 2022
319 Amazon's Three Major Lines of Business
Snyder, Edward A., Canaday, Jason, Hughes, Marley 2022
320 Are Firms Gerrymandered?
Artés, Joaquin, Kaufman, Aaron Russell, Richter, Brian Kelleher, Timmons, Jeffrey 2022
321 Quantifying Economic Reasoning in Court: Judge Economics Sophistication and Pro-business Orientation
Cao, Siying
322 Low Wages Aren't a Growing Problem
Abraham, David, Barkai, Simcha
323 Private Sanctions
Hart, Oliver, Thesmar, David, Zingales, Luigi
324 The Economics of Content Moderation: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Hate Speech on Twitter
Jimenez-Duran, Rafael
325 The Effect of Minority Bank Ownership on Minority Credit
Hurtado, Agustin, Sakong, Jung
326 Mergers, Foreign Competition, and Jobs: Evidence from the U.S. Appliance Industry
Montag, Felix
327 How pervasive is corporate fraud?
Dyck, Alexander, Morse, Adair, Zingales, Luigi
328 Destabilizing Digital "Bank Walks"
Koont, Naz, Santos, Tano, Zingales, Luigi
329 Common Ownership in Fintech Markets
Tzanaki, Anna, Alekseeva, Liudmila, Azar, José
330 Kin in the Game
Balan, Pablo, Dodyk, Juan, Puente, Ignacio
331 The Socio Political Demography of Happiness
Peltzman, Sam
332 Antitrust Enforcement Increases Economic Activity
Babina, Tania, Barkai, Simcha, Jeffers, Jessica, Karger, Ezra, Volkova, Ekaterina
333 Audit Mandates, Audit Firms, and Auditors
Breuer, Matthias, Le, Anthony, Vetter, Felix
334 Corporate Political Activism and Information Transfers
Christensen, Dane M., Jin, Jengda, Lee, Joshua A., Sridharan, Suhas, Wellman, Laura A.
335 Quantifying the Impact of Red Tape on Investment: A Survey Data Approach
Pellegrino, Bruno, Zheng, Geoffery
336 When Product Markets Become Collective Traps: The Case of Social Media
Bursztyn, Leonardo, Handel, Benjamin R., Jimenez, Rafael, Roth, Christopher
337 Imperfect Price Information, Market Power, and Tax Pass-Through
Montag, Felix, Mamrak, Robin, Sagimuldina, Alina,Schnitzer, Monika
338 The Complexity Yield Puzzle: A Textual Analysis of Municipal Bond Disclosures
Farrell, Michael, Murphy, Dermot, Painter, Marcus, Zhang, Guangli
339 Organizational Capacity and Project Dynamics
Foarta, Dana, Ting, Michael M.
340 The Rise of Private Equity Continuation Funds
Kastiel, Kobi, Nili, Yaron
341 From Gridlock to Polarization
Jacob, Marc S., Lee, Barton E., Gratton, Gabriele
342 Racial Disparities in the U.S. Mortgage Market
Hurtado, Agustin, Sakong, Jung
343 Minority Representation at Work
Breuer, Matthias, Cai, Wei, Le, Anthony, Vetter, Felix
344 When Does Mandatory Price Disclosure Lower Prices? Evidence from the German Fuel Market
Montag, Felix, Sagimuldina, Alina, Winter, Christoph