The Accelerated Development Program 

The Accelerated Development Program offers a powerful solution: maximum exposure to key business concepts and strategies in an intensive, multi-modular format consisting of three academic modules on Chicago Booth campuses; one field immersion module in New Delhi; and four online modules. ADP’s modular format means you can apply new knowledge to the workplace in real time as the program progresses.

As an executive ready to lead your organization in these challenging times and take that next step in your career, you need access to the latest thinking and tools to competitively position yourself and your business—for today and for the future. You need to continue your focus on daily operations and ensure the viability of your organization but enhance your social capital as well as future growth prospects. You will learn advanced management concepts and tools from world-renowned faculty at one of the world's most prestigious and highly acclaimed business schools.

By attending this program, you will:

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding and gain insight into the critical functional areas within a company.
  • Learn how to manage across functional areas and lead cross-functional teams.
  • Strengthen strategic decision-making skills and enhance strategic thinking.
  • Build and learn to shape organizational culture and structures that create value.
  • Network and establish long-term relationships with key executives from other organizations.
  • Learn strategic tools and techniques to manage future growth.
  • Position yourself to take on more strategic, general management roles.
  • Gain greater self-awareness and understanding of how you work with others.
  • Develop a persuasive leadership plan with the help of a professional coach.


Hong Kong, Chicago, London, and online
Field Immersion Module: New Delhi

Program Schedule and Additional Details

Please visit our partner, Northwest Executive Education, for additional information about the program schedule and curriculum.

This program is designed for senior-level executives who are functional leaders and heads, keen to develop a wider general management perspective outside their traditional area of control and expertise. ADP participants represent a diverse range of industries, backgrounds, and nationalities, creating a dynamic environment for peer learning and sharing.

The program is suitable for professionals with significant experience and demonstrated career progression and success across levels, including:

•    CEOs, Directors, Presidents, etc.
•    CFOs, Head of Finance, Head of Investments, etc.
•    Leaders at Accounting and Auditing firms/partnerships
•    Senior functional managers, business heads, and Managers of managers
•    Individuals with outstanding careers and leadership roles in a variety of settings
•    A strong drive to succeed and aspirations for reaching beyond the obvious career milestones
•    Demonstrated ability to adapt, learn, and apply new knowledge in varied situations
•    A minimum of 10 years of work experience in functional, technical, or business roles
•    A graduate degree with a strong academic track record
•    Fluency in written and spoken English

Douglas Skinner

Sidney Davidson Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting
Douglas J. Skinner is Deputy Dean for Faculty at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and Sidney Davidson Distinguished Service Professor of Accounting. He is a leading expert in corporate disclosure practices, corporate financial reporting, and corporate payout policy.

Skinner joined the Booth faculty in 2005. He has served as Deputy Dean for Faculty since 2015 and served as Interim Dean in 2016-17. He was responsible for the construction and financing of the University’s Hong Kong campus, the home of Booth’s EMBA program in Asia, completed in 2018. Prior to joining Chicago Booth, Skinner served on the faculty of the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan.

Skinner is an independent trustee and chairs the audit committee for Harbor Funds and ETF Trust, a mutual fund and ETF complex that offers a variety of actively-managed mutual fund and ETF products. From time to time he serves as an expert financial economist in litigation involving complex accounting, anti-trust, securities, and tax matters.

Skinner holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics with first class honors in Accounting and Finance from Macquarie University in Sydney and a master’s degree and PhD in Applied Economics from the University of Rochester.

Skinner’s research addresses a variety of topics in financial accounting, auditing, and corporate finance, focusing on the capital markets/valuation effects of firms’ financial policies. His research is published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Finance, and the Journal of Financial Economics.

Skinner previously served as editor of the Journal of Accounting Research and the Journal of Accounting and Economics, both top tier academic accounting journals.

Skinner has extensive experience teaching in Booth’s MBA, EMBA, Executive Education, and PhD programs. He currently teaches Managerial Accounting in Booth’s EMBA program and Empirical Research Methods in Booth’s PhD program. He has previously taught Corporate Finance and Valuation, Financial Accounting, and Financial Statement Analysis. He has advised PhD students who have taken faculty positions at Cornell, Harvard, Michigan, MIT, Wharton, Stanford, London Business School, among other top schools around the world.

Randall Kroszner

Norman R. Bobins Professor of Economics
Randall S. Kroszner is Norman R. Bobins Professor of Economics. He previously served as Deputy Dean for Executive Programs at Booth, as well as a Governor of the Federal Reserve System from 2006 until 2009. He chaired the committee on Supervision and Regulation of Banking Institutions and the committee on Consumer and Community Affairs. In these capacities, he took a leading role in developing responses to the financial crisis and in undertaking new initiatives to improve consumer protection and disclosure, including rules related to home mortgages and credit cards. He represented the Federal Reserve Board on the Financial Stability Forum (now called the Financial Stability Board), the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, and the Central Bank Governors of the American Continent and was a director of NeighborWorks America. Dr. Kroszner chaired the working party of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), composed of deputy central bank governors and finance ministers, on Policies for the Promotion of Better International Payments Equilibrium. As a member of the Fed Board, he was also a voting member of the Federal Open Market Committee.

From 2001 to 2003, Dr. Kroszner was a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA). He was involved in formulating policy on a wide range of issues, including responses to corporate governance scandals, government-sponsored enterprise reform, pension reform, terrorism risk insurance, tax reform, currency crisis management, sovereign debt restructuring, the role of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and international trade and development.

Since 1990, Dr. Kroszner has taught at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Dr. Kroszner was Director of the George J. Stigler Center for the Study of the Economy and the State. He served as editor of the Journal of Law & Economics and has been associate editor of a number of other academic and policy journals. He was a member of the board of directors at the National Association for Business Economics and the Financial Management Association.

Dr. Kroszner serves as the Chair of the Financial Research Advisory Committee of the Office of Financial Research of the U.S. Treasury. He is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago’s Academic Advisory Council and of the board of advisors of the Paulson Institute. In addition, he is a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He is member of the board of trustees of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and a member of the board of directors of the Renaissance Society.

Dr. Kroszner has been a visiting scholar at the Securities and Exchange Commission, the IMF, the Stockholm School of Economics, the Stockholm University, the Free University of Berlin, Germany, the London School of Economics, and the American Enterprise Institute. He was the John M. Olin Visiting Fellow in Law and Economics at the University of Chicago Law School the Bertil Danielson Visiting Professor of Banking and Finance at the Stockholm School of Economics, and the SK Chaired Visiting Professor at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.

His research interests include regulation of financial institutions, international financial crises, the Great Depression, monetary economics, corporate governance, debt restructuring and bankruptcy, and political economy. His paper on managerial stock ownership (with Clifford Holderness and Dennis Sheehan) won the Brattle Prize for best corporate finance paper in the Journal of Finance. His book co-authored with Nobel laureate Robert J. Shiller, Reforming U.S. Financial Markets: Reflections Before and Beyond Dodd-Frank (MIT Press) appeared on the Washington Post’s Book World political best sellers list.

Dr. Kroszner is a frequent commentator in the international media. He provides advice to financial institutions, government organizations, and central banks throughout the world.

Dr. Kroszner received a Sc.B. (magna cum laude) in applied mathematics-economics (honors) from Brown University in 1984 and an M.A. (1987) and Ph.D. (1990), both in economics, from Harvard University.

Pradeep Chintagunta

Joseph T. and Bernice S. Lewis Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing
Pradeep K Chintagunta is interested in empirically studying consumer, agent and firm behavior. He has studied packaged goods, pharmaceutical, technology and online markets to answer questions related to pricing, advertising and channels of distribution. More recently, he has started working in “development marketing” – studying the role of marketing in economic development. “I am interested in studying how marketing practices can impact small businesses and entrepreneurial enterprises in emerging economies and how we can leverage marketing knowledge to improve health outcomes.”

Chintagunta is on the advisory editorial boards of Marketing Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics and the Journal of Marketing Research. His research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Management Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, the International Journal of Research Marketing, the Journal of the American Statistical Association, and the Journal of Econometrics.

In addition to being a finalist for the O'Dell award in both 1996 and 2001, Chintagunta is the recipient of the Hillel J. Einhorn Award for Excellence in Teaching and has been named one of the Chicago Booth's top professors by BusinessWeek.

"Teaching across programs such as full-time, evening, weekend, XP, and international XP exposes me to a variety of perspectives and experiences that I can then integrate into my subsequent teaching and research." He hopes his students learn that there is always more progress to be made.

He earned a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Banaras Hindu University in 1984, a postgraduate diploma in management from the Indian Institute of Management in 1986, and a PhD in marketing from Northwestern University in 1990. In addition to teaching at Chicago Booth, he has taught courses at the Harvard Business School and the S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 1995.

Pradeep serves on the advisory boards of Operation ASHA, MuSigma and Syntasa and on the Board of Governors of his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. He collects vintage electronics, enjoys traveling, movies, and spending time with his family.

Jean-Pierre Dubé

James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing and Charles E. Merrill Faculty Scholar
Jean-Pierre Dubé is the James M. Kilts Distinguished Service Professor of Marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Professor Dubé is also director of the Kilts Center for Marketing at Booth, a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a faculty fellow at the Marketing Science Institute. From 2008-2010, he was a research consultant for the Yahoo! Microeconomics Research group. He has been working as a research consultant with Amazon since 2018.

His research interests lie at the intersection of industrial organization and quantitative marketing. He has conducted empirical studies on the formation of consumer preferences for branded goods, price discrimination, advertising, food deserts and nutrition policy, and the role of misinformation in consumer demand. This empirical focus is also reflected in his MBA course on pricing strategies, which is designed to teach students how to apply marketing models and analytics to develop pricing strategies in practice. Several of his recent research projects are in collaboration with companies in the US and in China.

Dubé’s work has been published in the American Economic Review, Econometrica, The Journal of Marketing Research, The Journal of Political Economy, Management Science, Marketing Science, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, the Quarterly Journal of Economics and The Rand Journal of Economics. He is currently Department Editor at Management Science, and has previously served as an area/associate editor for The Journal of Marketing Research, Management Science, Marketing Science, and Quantitative Marketing and Economics. He was the recipient of the 2023 Hillel J. Einhorn Excellence in Teaching Award, the Chicago Booth Class of 2016 Phoenix Award for service to the extracurricular and community activities of the graduating class, the 2008 Paul E. Green Award for Best paper in the Journal of Marketing Research and of the 2005 Faculty Teaching Excellence Award for Evening MBA and Weekend MBA Programs at the Chicago Booth. He was also the recipient of several MSI Research Grants, a Kauffman grant, and a Yahoo! Faculty Research Grant.

Dubé earned a bachelor's degree from the University of Toronto in quantitative methods in economics in 1995, a master's degree in economics in 1996, and a PhD in 2000 from Northwestern University. He joined the Chicago Booth faculty in 2000.

Michael J. Gibbs

Clinical Professor of Economics

Michael Gibbs studies the economics of human resources and organizational design. He is co-author (with Edward Lazear) of the leading textbook in the field, Personnel Economics in Practice. The 3rd edition was published in 2014. It has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Bulgarian and Spanish. Gibbs's research has been published in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economics & Statistics, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Accounting Review, and other journals. Professor Gibbs is a Research Fellow of the Center for the Study of Labor (IZA) and the Institute for Compensation Studies. From 2012-2015, he was Faculty Director of Booth’s Executive MBA program.

In 2007 Gibbs received the Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature from the American Accounting Association. He has received three Hillel Einhorn Excellence in Teaching Awards.

Gibbs earned an AB, AM and PhD in economics, all from the University of Chicago.

Scott Meadow

Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship
Since 1982, Scott Meadow has been a principal investor in the private equity industry. He is the 2011 recipient of the Richard J. Daley Award. The Daley Medal acknowledges a single individual who has given direct and extraordinary support to the state of Illinois by participating in or being an advocate for the venture capital and private equity industry.

Professor Meadow has held the position of Clinical Professor of Entrepreneurship at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business since 2000. He was awarded the 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Phoenix Prize and The Faculty Excellence Award in 2010. He was designated by Business Week's "Guide to the Best Business Schools" (2003, 8th edition) and (2005, 9th edition) as one of the outstanding entrepreneurial professors in the country. Professor Meadow has taught 10000 students at Chicago Booth, in Entrepreneurial Finance and Private Equity, Commercializing Innovation (which he created), Introduction to Venture Capital (which he created), Entrepreneurial Finance & Venture Capital, and the New Venture Challenge, and is the faculty advisor for the Venture Capital Investment Competition. Scott is also on the Advisory Board and Steering Committee of the Innovation Fund at the University of Chicago.

Scott has over 30 years’ experience as a general partner with four venture capital and private equity firms including William Blair Venture Partners, The Frontenac Company, The Sprout Group, and most recently with the Edgewater Funds, where he remains an Associate Partner. Over the course of his career, Scott has approved hundreds of equity financings, been active in fundraising and has personally led, originated or created more than sixty investments including two dozen healthcare services companies, over a dozen consumer services and retail companies, as well as biotech companies and companies enhanced by the Internet and social media. Scott has been recognized by Venture One as one of the outstanding healthcare investors in the industry, and is a testifying expert witness in a broad range of commercial disputes involving entrepreneurship.

Representative investments include Coventry Corporation, HEALTHSOUTH, Sunrise Assisted Living, Sunrise International, Managed Health Network, Aspen Education Services, Seurat Therapeutics, Pathology Partners, Heritage Healthcare, MedPartners, The Sports Authority, CompUSA and Staples. Scott recently served on the board of directors of National Equipment Services (NASDAQ: NLEQ) during its emergence from Chapter 11 and Barrier Safe Systems. He has served on the Advisory Board of Invenergy, GenerationOne, Dais Corporation and Anka Associates, a private equity firm focused on Turkey.

Professor Meadow earned his A.B. Magna Cum Laude from Harvard College and his M.B.A. from Harvard Business School.

Gregory Bunch

Adjunct Professor of Entrepreneurship
Greg Bunch draws on a wealth of experience as an entrepreneur, manager, consultant, alderman, and teacher. He is the founder of Masterplan International Corporation, a strategy consulting firm. He was also a partner at Brandtrust, a brand strategy consultancy. Greg co-founded a healthcare software start-up in the Bay Area. He has served on corporate boards for financial services, healthcare, retail, franchising and marketing firms.

He works with Fortune 50 companies, family businesses and start-ups in the areas of innovation and strategy. He has worked with a broad array of companies including Abbott Labs, American Express, Danaher, Dover, ETS, Harley-Davidson, Hewlett-Packard, Kimberly-Clark, McDonalds, PepsiCo, State Farm and Yum! Brands.

Greg was an alderman in the City of West Chicago, serving on the infrastructure, public safety and development committees.

Greg has lectured nationally and internationally on topics related to strategy, creating customers, and innovation. He earned a bachelor's degree from Wheaton College in philosophy and an MDiv from Harvard University.

Kathleen Fitzgerald

Clinical Associate Professor of Strategic Management
Kathleen Fitzgerald is known at the University of Chicago as a superb educator. She brings a remarkably wide array of experience as an educator and a practitioner to the classroom. She has taught courses in Accounting, Investments, Corporate Finance, Strategy, International Finance and Financial Management.

Kathleen also holds the position of Senior Director of Academic Support at the University Of Chicago Booth School Of Business in Chicago, London and Hong Kong in which she prepares students of Chicago Booth Executive MBA program for the rigors of Chicago’s quantitative approach to finance, economics, statistics, and marketing.

Her professional experience includes auditing and tax consulting at Ernst & Young, LLP and forensic accounting consulting at Chicago Partners.

Kathleen graduated from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst with a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics in 1990 and a MBA in 1994. She passed the Unified C.P.A. examination in 1994 and holds a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Chicago.

Hal Weitzman

Adjunct Associate Professor of Behavioral Science
Hal Weitzman is executive director for intellectual capital at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. He is editor-in-chief of Chicago Booth Review and host of The Big Question, Booth's monthly video panel discussion series. He was a reporter and editor at the Financial Times from 2000 to 2012, the last seven years as a foreign correspondent in South America and Chicago. As well as the FT, his reporting has appeared in The Economist, the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald, New Statesman, The Irish Times, Slate and Politico.

Hal's experience in South America formed the basis for his 2012 book, Latin Lessons: How South America Stopped Listening to the United States and Started Prospering. His time as a reporter in Chicago led him to write 'Chicago's Decade of Innovation, 1972-1982', a chapter covering the development of financial derivatives, which was published in the 2010 book Regulated Exchanges: Dynamic Agents of Economic Growth.

Hal grew up in Wales. He was an undergraduate at Leeds, gained a master's at Oriel College, Oxford, and was a Frank Knox Memorial Fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard.

His interests include rugby, tea, and gardening.

Susan Lucia Annunzio

Adjunct Associate Professor, Executive Education, Chicago Booth

Acclaimed Leadership Coach, Author, and President and CEO of the Center for High Performance, Lucia Annunzio is known by her clients as the “CEO-Whisperer.” She has spent over 25 years observing, analyzing, and coaching CEO, C-Suite, and Board dynamics. She has discerned that an organization is only as great as the team that leads it and that there is a direct correlation between the way an organization performs and the way its leadership team functions.

Lucia’s work is based on CfHP’s proprietary global research on the factors that accelerate or inhibit profitable growth. It achieved critical acclaim and was presented at such prestigious venues as the World Economic Forum, The International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change at the University of Greenwich, and Vacature’s, “Talent Economy” launch event in Belgium.

Lucia is the author of Contagious Success (Portfolio, 2004), a dynamic, best-selling, management book that revealed the global standard for high performance. Contagious Success was voted Fast Company's Readers' Choice. Lucia also authored two additional prominent business books: Communicoding (Fine, 1990; Penguin USA, 1991) and Evolutionary Leadership (Simon & Schuster, 2001; Fireside, 2002). She is frequently quoted in the business press such as the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and CNBC.

Lucia is a former Adjunct Professor of Management at the University of Chicago Booth Graduate School of Business, where she is currently part of the Executive Education faculty and teaches the most popular program, High Performance Leadership. She has been a guest lecturer at INSEAD business school in Fontainebleau, France, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and Instituto De Empresa in Madrid. She also taught at General Electric’s Crotonville Corporate Training Center.

She is a long-standing member of the Economic Club of Chicago as well as the Chicago Club and the Astor Club. She has sat on various not-for-profit boards including the Joffrey Ballet and the Museum of Contemporary Art. She is currently devoting her philanthropy to National MS Society.


This program runs once a year in partnership with Northwest Executive Education. Please check back for 2025 cohort dates.

Learn more and apply: To apply for this program, please visit our partner Northwest Executive Education.