Mindful Leadership—Online

Increase your emotional intelligence to maximize your leadership potential.

In this program, backed by the latest research in neuroscience, you'll unleash your full potential by increasing your emotional intelligence and becoming more mindful and conscious of your thought processes. You'll gain techniques to connect with others meaningfully and productively while reducing burnout and stress, ultimately building upon your values to become a more influential leader.

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Stephanie Klein wearing blue shirt speaking


Leaders' emotional intelligence is becoming increasingly crucial to an organization's success. Growing demands place insurmountable pressure on executives, resulting in fatigued, overwhelmed leaders who leave power on the table by losing sight of their personal and organizational goals.

Backed by cutting-edge research, this program provides the frameworks to unleash an executive's full potential by increasing their emotional intelligence and ability to become mindful and more conscious of their thought processes.

Participants will develop the tools and confidence to create a powerful leadership mindset that embraces change and new ideas. You will learn how to protect your mental energy, reduce stress, and unearth where true creativity lies. Moreover, you'll improve your problem solving ability by unlocking your underutilized energetic potential. You'll ultimately learn how to maximize your leadership performance by harnessing your full brainpower—shifting from functional to optimal, holistic leadership performance.

You will...

  • Lead change with confident authenticity, aligning your purpose and culture to spur higher employee engagement
  • Discover how to eliminate burnout, manage stress effectively, and mitigate employee turnover
  • Develop the ability to shift to effortless flow—driving greater productivity, performance, and fulfillment
  • Gain practical tools to amplify big-picture thinking and disruptive innovation
  • Communicate with fierce compassion to foster mutual understanding, deeper connection, and well-being
  • Create and nourish new mindsets to drive desired behavior, changing your brain through the power of neuroplasticity

"This program aims to optimize executive leadership by growing the mental resilience needed to shift from burnout to balance—and thrive through any challenge. With practical, proven emotional intelligence tools, leaders can create authentic inner transformation that drives positive outer change, with myriad ripple effects across their organizations.”
—Stephanie Klein, Chicago Booth Alumna and Founder of MindFire Mastery

Live-Online Learning with Measurable Impact

In addition to self-paced content, this program features 3 live-online sessions—a unique opportunity to put theory into practice immediately to amplify your learning and see results. These required sessions offer an opportunity to reflect and receive real-time feedback with faculty and peers. They also incorporate interactive learning that can only be taught in a live environment.

Guest speaker: Professor Hal Weitzman

You'll also learn from guest speaker Hal Weitzman, Adjunct Associate Professor of Behavioral Science at Chicago Booth, on how a mindful communication approach can elevate your executive communication skills and effectiveness.

This program is an excellent fit for managers with at least 5 years of experience who seek to improve their leadership skills by enhancing their ability to connect, empathize, and embrace change.

Executives—across the spectrum of thinking styles—will become more mindful in their leadership approach. For example, analytical thinkers will learn to enhance their ability to be more creative, empathic, and innovative. Whereas creative, intuitive thinkers will learn how to adopt a problem-solving mindset while improving their response to change.

Those from a wide range of industries and sectors will find benefit in attending.

Stephanie Klein

Founder, MindFire Mastery

Stephanie’s experience as a 3x Chief Marketing Officer in Fortune 500 firms helps her understand the challenges and stress of leading through uncertainty, crisis and organizational change. As a new CMO in 2008, she led her global team through the financial crisis. When she came up for air several years later, she was diagnosed with life threatening breast cancer that opened her awareness to the toll her stressful life was taking on her body, mind and spirit. She realized self compassion, mindfulness and balance were critical for her healing journey, while opening her up to be a more vulnerable and connected leader, mother, partner and friend.

After leading through the joy and tribulations of a transformative acquisition in 2017, she realized it was time for her to walk away and pursue a more meaningful second act. She began a journey of education and growth that led her to become a certified Search Inside Yourself Instructor, Executive Coach, Speaker and author. Her disruptive story of leaving the C-suite was published in the anthology Turning Point Moments: True Inspirational Stories About Creating a Life that Works for You (2022). Her book Waking Up on the the Right Side of Wrong, about how we can use disruption and mindset to positively change the trajectory of our lives, was published in 2023.

As an executive coach, positive intelligence and emotional intelligence trainer, educator, speaker and author, she is passionate about empowering elite professionals to thrive through change. She helps them bravely embrace their authenticity, learn to adapt with choice, and stretch with confidence and compassion, so they optimize performance and well-being and build mental resilience to shift from burnout to balance. What lights her up is seeing how inner transformation creates positive outer change, with myriad ripple effects across relationships, organizations, communities and our world.

Module 01: Expanding whole-brain capacity to optimize leadership

  • Emotional intelligence of great leaders
  • Our holistic approach: whole-brain leadership
  • The power of mindfulness of neuroscience
  • Upgrading leadership with self-awareness for increased clarity

Module 02: Rewiring and Adapting Your Brain

  • Adaptive resilience Understanding and shifting energy
  • Amplifying self-awareness with saboteurs
  • Self-management: building mastery with whole brain

Module 03: Discover Your Authentic Leadership Presence

  • Flourishing holistically as a leader starts with you
  • Alignment with your motivation and values
  • Excavating your authentic essence
  • Bringing it all together: creating purpose and driving greater leadership impact

Module 04 Embrace Disruption to Innovate

  • How disrupting your brain fosters creativity and progress
  • The path to creativity: models and tools for big-picture and creative thinking
  • Visualizing the future you want to create
  • Applications for leaders and teams with the F.A.S.T. framework

Module 05: Deepen Connections

  • Increasing self-awareness builds empathy and thriving.
  • Stretching: Increasing connection for greater benefits
  • Cultivating compassionate leadership
  • Communicating with insight: difficult conversations at an emotional level

Module 06: Integrate and Lead Teams of Trust

  • How to earn trust: build, maintain, restore
  • Communicating with impact: IDEA Model—Feedback
  • Embracing conflict—inherent to diversity—increase trust, communication, innovation
  • Leadership commitment

Live Sessions

Session 1: Wake up to greater self-awareness, the building block of emotional intelligence
Session 2: Bring your unique essence and values forward with purposeful impact
Session 3: Connect with more empathy, compassion, and trust to thrive in teams

Overall, the program was superb, well organized, and structured. Both the instructor and mentor delivered their sessions with enthusiasm. I learned new frameworks that I can apply in my day-to-day activities. Additionally, I gained knowledge and skills to deal with difficult situations—whether professional or personal—and this will undoubtedly prepare me to be a more effective leader in any capacity. I recommend taking part in the program. You will learn many new ways to become more effective as a leader at work and in your personal life.

—Hinna Malik, Sales Manager, Adobe

Mindful Leadership will give you the knowledge and tools to navigate complex work environments while staying focused on business performance. The content was rich. The assignments were thought-provoking, and I found myself needing to review and mull them over for a few days before submitting a response. The Eulogy & Values activities were especially powerful. I thank you for a great program.

—Kristina Bonesteel, Managing Director/Director of Business Development, Siegel & Callahan/Fulcrum Tax Advisory

This was an insightful program that allowed for immediate practical application to work situations and my personal life. It makes you a more well-rounded person in general. I find the program ideal for people with certain career aspirations or identifiable gaps that need to be addressed. Overall, an outstanding program. I'd heard good things about Chicago Booth. They delivered.

—Andrew Irwin, VP of Talent Development, Irwin Seating Company

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the Chicago Booth team for their remarkable support. I am satisfied that I have achieved further development and career building, and I have benefited from this distance learning program’s written and digital material. I thank you all.

—Lucia Gonzalez Fernandez, Director of Internal Audit Methodology and Quality Assurance, CaixaBank (Spain), Trainer & Quality Assurance Specialist, Institute of Internal Auditors of Spain

Participating in the Mindful Leadership program was a true growth experience for me, both professionally and personally. The program absolutely exceeded my expectations. The content was abundant with fresh perspectives on old misperceptions around default behavior and covered completely new concepts and inspiration. The assignments were thought-provoking and made the application of new learning feel seamless. I literally pause throughout my day now, making the most of that brief but critical space to reevaluate how I might respond or lead differently.

—Elizabeth (Betsy) (Ross) Ready, Head of Client Business, OKRP

 [This program] equipped me with lots of tools and a broad understanding of how mindful leadership can look like and how we can practice and live it. It was fantastic to define our own values, essence, purpose and leadership commitment. Stephanie and Jon are true rockstars!
—Program participant

This program exceeded my expectations. What I learned here goes beyond my leadership learning, this course has changed me as an individual in very positive ways.
—Program participant

Upcoming Course Dates

October 8 - November 18, 2024
December 3, 2024 - January 27, 2025

Fee: $2,800