Viz-Ability—Use Your Skills, Talents, and Experience to Create a Powerful Personal Brand

CareerCast - Life-long Career Development

FPO1 Just as a successful brand cuts through the clutter and persuades you to buy it, you also need to positively influence current and potential employers to choose YOU™—the trademarked you—over other professionals in your field. In this CareerCast, Brenda Bence, internationally recognized branding expert, certified executive coach, professional speaker, and author of How YOU™ Are Like Shampoo, will share her insights on how to use proven corporate branding techniques to create a powerful personal brand in your job search, internal promotion, career change, and more.

Aired February 19, 2009

Brenda S. Bence is an internationally recognized branding expert, certified executive coach, professional speaker, and author of the How YOU™ Are Like Shampoo personal branding book series. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School, and her 25-year career has included developing mega brands for Procter & Gamble and Bristol-Myers Squibb across four continents and 50 countries. As president of Brand Development Associates (BDA) International, Ltd., Brenda now travels the world speaking, training, and coaching individuals and companies to greater success through corporate and personal brand development.

How YOU Are Like Shampoo for Job Seekers: The Proven Personal Branding System to Help You Succeed in Any Interview and Secure the Job of Your Dreams, Brenda Bence (2009). 

How YOU Are Like Shampoo: The Breakthrough Personal Branding System Based on Big-Brand Marketing Methods to Help You Earn More, Do More, and Be More at Work, Brenda Bence (2008).

The Power of Personal Branding: Creating Celebrity Status with Your Target Audience, Tim O’Brien (2007). 

U R a Brand! How Smart People Brand Themselves for Business Success, Catherine Kaputa (2006). 

The Brand Called You: The Ultimate Personal Branding Handbook to Transform Anyone into an Indispensable Brand, Peter Montoya and Tim Vandehey (2005).

The Leader’s Edge: Using Personal Branding to Drive Performance and Profit, Susan Hodgkinson (2005).

Microbranding: Build a Powerful Personal Brand and Beat Your Competition, T. Scott Gross (2003). 

The Personal Branding Phenomenon, Peter Montoya, Tim Vandehey, and Paul Viti (2002).

Make a Name for Yourself: Eight Steps Every Woman Needs to Create a Personal Brand Strategy for Success, Robin Fisher Roffer (2002).

Be Your Own Brand: A Breakthrough Formula for Standing Out from the Crowd, David McNally and Karl Speak (2002).

If You're So Brilliant ... How Come Your Brand Isn’t Working Hard Enough? The Essential Guide to Brand Management, Peter Cheverton (2002).

Build Your Own Life Brand! A Powerful Strategy to Maximize Your Potential and Enhance Your Value for Ultimate Achievement, Stedman Graham (2001).

Brenda Bence How You Are Like Shampoo

Read an excerpt of How YOU Are Like Shampoo for Job Seekers: The Proven Personal Branding System to Help You Succeed in Any Interview and Secure the Job of Your Dreams by Brenda Bence.

Read the Excerpt