Creating a Meaningful Second Career

CareerCast - Life-long Career Development

Anita HoffmanIs it possible to create a meaningful career at any stage of life? Anita Hoffmann, Managing Director of Executiva Ltd, Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University’s Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility, and author of Purpose & Impact, believes this is not only possible, but an absolute necessity for a successful career and life. In this CareerCast, Anita shares her perspective from deep experience in global corporate and consulting roles, insights, and practical strategies on how to build a meaningful second (or even third or fourth) career.

Aired August 17, 2018

Anita Hoffmann is Managing Director of Executiva Ltd, a boutique executive career transition coaching and search firm, Visiting Fellow at Cranfield University’s Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility and a published author.

Anita’s focus is on helping leaders create careers with Purpose and organisations find leaders able to deliver a Purpose driven future. She is particularly passionate about helping leaders also in their later career stages become Purpose driven.

In April 2018 Routledge published her book ‘Purpose & Impact: How Executives are Creating Meaningful Second Careers’, the companion book for individuals to her 2016 organisational paper for Cranfield.

 Anita’s has senior executive experience in blue-chip industry (Exxon Chemicals, Dow Corning, ABB), management consulting (Accenture, Deloitte) and executive search (Heidrick & Struggles). She is a certified coach, a member of the British Psychological Society and a Fellow of the RSA.

Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers -- and Seize Success by Dawn Graham (2018)

Purpose & Impact: How Executives are Creating Meaningful Second Careers by Anita Hoffmann (2018)

Fearless and Free: How Smart Women Pivot and Relaunch Their Careers by Wendy Sachs (2017)

Pivot: The Art and Science of Reinventing Your Career and Life by Adam Markel (2016)

The PathFinder: How to Choose or Change Your Career for a Lifetime of Satisfaction and Success, revised and updated edition by Nicholas Lore (2012)

Coach Yourself to a New Career: 7 Steps to Reinventing Your Professional Life by Talane Miedaner (2010)

This Is Not the Career I Ordered: Empowering Strategies from Women Who Recharged, Reignited, and Reinvented Their Careers by Caroline Dowd-Higgins (2010)

The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention: Essential Survival Skills for Any Economy by Pamela Mitchell (2009)

Getting Unstuck: A Guide to Discovering Your Next Career Path by Timothy Butler (2009)

Strategies for Successful Career Change: Finding Your Very Best Next Work Life by Martha E. Mangelsdorf (2009)

Your Next Move: The Leader’s Guide to Navigating Major Career Transitions by Michael D. Watkins (2009)

Turning Points: Managing Career Transitions with Meaning and Purposeby Lisa Severy, Phoebe Ballard, and Jack Ballard(2008)

Purpose & Impact:

Read an excerpt of Purpose & Impact: How Executives are Creating Meaningful Second Careers by Anita Hoffman.

Read The Excerpt