Career Advancement GPT

CareerCast - Life-long Career Development

Jeremy SchifelingHave you been thinking about how AI will impact your life in the years to come? What about your career growth and advancement? Having devoted his career to helping others succeed as lead in education marketing at LinkedIn, heading marketing at Khan Academy, and as a best-selling author, with his latest book Career Coach GPT, Jeremy Schifeling is a guide, expert, and mentor on the subject. In this CareerCast, Jeremy shares how to navigate the ever-changing world of AI and the tools and resources you can leverage for your career. He will provide key insights on how to use AI and still be able to stand out and differentiate yourself for greater success.

Aired November 17, 2023

Jeremy Schifeling has devoted his career to helping others succeed in theirs. From teaching kindergarten in Brooklyn to recruiting top students at Teach For America to leading education marketing at LinkedIn, he’s touched the lives of millions of people at every stage of their journeys. Along the way, he’s published the best-selling LinkedIn book on Amazon, served as a career coach for military veterans at and MBA students at the University of Michigan, and produced the most-viewed video in LinkedIn’s history. He currently leads marketing at Khan Academy and shares his best career hacks on

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Career Coach GPT: The Complete Guide to ChatGPT Resume, Cover Letter, Interview, and Job Search Success by Jeremy Schifeling (2023)

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Career Coach GPT book cover

Read an excerpt from Career Coach GPT by Jeremy Schifeling.

Read the Excerpt