As the summer comes, let's have some exercise and go hiking and enjoy seafood together!

Join us and catch up with many of your UChicago Alumni, Chicago Booth Alumni and Friends for a 2-hour hike at Lamma Island. This friendly hike is suitable for all levels and one of the most easily accessible. And, before that, we will also have seafood together at one of the most well-known restaurants at Lamma Island.

A proposed schedule is below. After hiking, people can stay behind for afternoon tea or leave Lamma Island according to their own schedules.


Central Pier 9
Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Pay at restaurant. The ferry is a free service offered by the restaurant


Register By Email

Deadline: 6/30/2013


11:30 AM-12:00 PM: Ferry from Central to Lamma Island

12:00 PM-1:30 PM: Seafood lunch at Lamma Island (Rainbow Seafood Restaurant)

1:30 PM-3:30 PM: Hiking


Cliff Ip