On Wednesday May 19, the Harvard club presents their third annual EU-US panel discussion at Societeit de Witte in The Hague with Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, former Secretary General of NATO, Bert Heemskerk, former CEO Rabobank, Charles Groenhuysen, journalist, and moderator Prof. Victor Halberstadt.


Societeit de Witte
Postbus 11589
2502 AN DEN HAAG, Netherlands


The cost is €70 for the whole event, and €35 for the presentation and borrel without the dinner. Kindly pay when you register; the Harvard Club of the Netherlands, account number Please mention names of those attending, the club you are from, and an email address.


Register By Email
REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT DEADLINE TO GUARNTEE YOUR SPACE IS MAY 10. after that on cancellation/ space available basis (Contact us by email).

Deadline: 5/19/2010


6:00 PM-7:00 PM: Borrel

7:00 PM-8:30 PM: Panel

8:30 PM-10:00 PM: Indisch buffet

Speaker Profiles

Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (Speaker)
Former Secretary General of NATO

Bert Heemskerk (Speaker)
Former CEO Rabobank

Charles Groenhuysen (Speaker)

Prof. Victor Halberstadt (Moderator)


Chantal van de Boom, '09