Join Booth alumni and students over lunch to discuss the relevance of the "knowledge-based economy" of the mid-1990s. This is a collegial discussion group without formal speakers.


Kopecky, Schumacher & Bleakley, P.C.
Suite 1620
203 N. LaSalle St.
Chicago, Illinois

Event Details

We have been hearing about and living in a "knowledge-based economy" for close to two decades now. The Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development wrote a white paper called The Knowledge-Based Economy in 1996. But how does this type of economy work, what are its strengths and shortcomings, and have we "moved on." Some would argue the knowledge-based economy is irrelevant and we what is important now is an "innovation-based economy." Please read the articles below and join us for a discussion with your peers over lunch.


Stimulating Economic Growth Through Knowledge-Based Investment, STI Working Paper 2013/2 of the Working Paper Series for the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, Charles Hulten, READ: Sections 1, 2 and 8

Knowledge for Development (K4D), The World Bank READ: 2 pages,,contentMDK:20269026~menuPK:461205~pagePK:64156158~piPK:64152884~theSitePK:461198,00.html

The Global Innovation Index 2013, wth, Woumitra Dutta, INSEAD Editor, READ: pages 3-9

Knowledge-Based Economies and Basing Economies on Knowledge, Skills a Missing LInk, Krishna B. Kumar and Desiree van Welsum, RAND Corporation, READ (if time permits): Sections 1, 2 and 4

Additional Resources (for your reference only):

Raising the Returns to Innovation: Structural Policies for a Knowledge-Based Economy, OECD

The Knowledge Economy, Annu. Rev. Socio. 2004, Walter W. Powell and Kaisa Snellman

The Knowledge-Based Economy, OECD Paris 1996 (Historical Perspective)





Register Online

Deadline: 8/28/2013


Elizabeth Bleakley, '02 
