Driving Directions:Driving Directions: Parking Albertine is the nearest one
€ 30 for paying members
€ 40 for non-members and partners
Please transfer the appropriate amount to the account 210-0555573-09 of the University of Chicago Alumni in Belgium, Fortis Bank, IBAN BE 52 2100 5555 7309.
6:15 PM-6:30 PM: Arrivals
6:30 PM-7:15 PM: General assembly
7:15 PM-7:40 PM: Welcome speech by Mr. Paul Dujardin
7:40 PM-8:30 PM: Guided tour of the Center for Fine Arts and Exhibition Laurent Ney – Shaping Forces
8:30 PM-10:00 PM: Cocktails & sandwiches
Evelyne van Wassenhove, MBA' 01
+44 (0)20 7070 2245