THIS EVENT IS CLOSED: Join fellow Booth alumni for a Booth End-of-Year dinner. We are honored to welcome to our dinner guest speaker Christian Pierret, former junior Minister of Industry of the French Government.


Venue To Be Confirmed: according to the numbers of registered participants
Paris, France

Event Details

The debate between Keynes and Friedman's ideas centers around the role of the state in economic policy. After the second World War Keynes ideas became predominant and uncontested until the 70's economic crisis when Keynesians were unable to explain the "stagflation' phenomena. Since then the ideas of the liberals through its leader, Milton Friedman, became predominant and the last French Keynesian policy was conducted by Pierre Mauroy between 1981 & 1983. Was France successful in integrating Friedman's ideas?

Today France has many strengths envied by many but is still facing a strong budget deficit, a chronic unemployment rate compared to the northern European countries and the split becoming a rift since the last presidential election between the " France d'en haut et France d'en bas" makes necessary reforms very difficult to implement without strong social movement. What would need to be changed?



DEADLINE Friday, 6 December to be able to confirm venue for dinner participants.


Register Online


Deadline: 12/6/2019

Speaker Profiles

Christian Pierret (Speaker)

Christian Pierret joined August & Debouzy in 2002 as a partner in the Government, Regulatory and Competition Group.

He has successively been an MP and the Budget Rapporteur Général (1981-1986) before the French National Assembly, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Chairman of the SMEs/SMIs Group for the Prime Minister (1989-1991), Member of Prime Minister Pierre Bérégovoy's staff between 1992 and 1993, before becoming Executive Vice Chairman of the ACCOR Group (1993-1996).
Christian Pierret was then appointed Secretary of State for Industry (1997-2001), then Junior Minister for Industry, SMEs, Trade and Consumer Affairs (2002).
Christian Pierret is a Founding Partner of a venture capital fund (SADEPAR), member of the board of SAS DEINOVE (Biomass Energy) and of SAS PHARNEXT (Medicines), Chairman of the "Cercle Jefferson" – French-American International Visitors (IV) Program, Chairman of "Vista": a French Think Tank on energy policies in France and Europe, Honorary Deputy Mayor of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, Honorary President of "Villes de France".

Alumnus of ENA (Ecole Nationale de l'Administration)
Doctorate (D.E.S.) in Economic Sciences
Alumnus of Sciences Po, Paris
Attorney and Member of the Paris and Brussels Bars
Partner, August & Debouzy


Pierre Courteille