The Munich sub-chapter of the Cornell Club of Germany cordially invites you to a presentation by Cornellian, Eberhard Wimmer (M.Arch.'85) the architect of the new, prize-winning church of St. Josef in 83607 Holzkirchen.


St Josef church in Bavaria
Munich, Germany

Event Details

The event, including tour, will be held in the church on Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 3:30 p.m.

The presentation will be in German; questions (also in English) are welcome.

The church has been featured in a number of professional journals as well as being selected one of "Eight of the best new buildings of 2018" worldwide.

Prizes include the Bayerischer Holzbau Preis and „Bundespreis (gelobt) an HolzbauPlus 2018"
To attend this presentation please RSVP to no later than July 5, 2019. She will give you the street address as well as the "Navi Eingabe" for the parking lot.


No Charge


Register By Email

Deadline: 7/7/2019


Andrea Fuchs, '09 (EXP-14)