Dear Alum & Friends:

This coming Saturday, we will jointly hold a Top-MBA-Schools' Alum Clubs BBQ Party (Yes, kids are more than welcome!). Activities we have prepared for you includes: BBQ (Yes! Eat, drink, chat, laugh, catch up with friends and meet new ones...); wine tasting; gift lottery; and tons of summer afternoon & alum big-family fun! Currently participating schools includes: Chicago, Kellogg, Georgetown, Wharton, Yale, HBS, Stanford ... So, come and join us!

Be There!


RunXiShan Resort
Beijing, China

Event Details

Pick-Up Location:-We have arrange buses to pick you up at financial district 2 times: 3:30pm, 4:00pm
-Pick up location: Starbucks, Financial Street Area: Xicheng No. 101 Fuxingmen Inner St, Beijing Parkson
-After Party, the buses can send you back to the pick-up location.

For the party, we have hired a catering service for food and drinks. To cover the cost (besides sponsors' funding), we would collect 50RMB each adult (free for kids!) as prepayment, and 100RMB at door. You're strongly encouraged to sign up online for head-count and easier logistic preparation. Thanks!



Adults     50RMB
Children  Free

Pay at the door:
Adults      100RMB


Register Online

Deadline: 6/16/2012


Anthony Bi, '00 
