The University of Chicago Alumni Club of Belgium is happy to invite you to a roundtable lunch on May 26 in Club van Lotharingen - Cercle de Lorraine in Brussels.

Our speaker is Dr Jos B. Peeters, founder and Managing Partner of Capricorn Venture Partners NV and Co-founder and Chairman of Quest for Growth. He was Chairman of the working group which created the EASD and developed the concept of EASDAQ.

Dr Peeters is a Director of Easdaq NV, which is operating the Equiduct secondary trading platform, he is a co-founder and first Chairman of the Belgian Venturing Association and former Chairman of the EVCA. Dr Peeters was co-editor of ‘Realizing Investment Value’ and of the ‘Venture Capital Handbook’.

He is honorary fellow of the Hogenheuvel Institute at the Applied Economics Department of KU Leuven and the chairman of Science@Leuven the alumni association of the science students of the same University. Dr Peeters is a member of the International Advisory Board of the London Business School.


Club van Lotharingen – Cercle de Lorraine
1000 Brussel, Belgium


EUR 60 members
EUR 75 non members


Register Online

Deadline: 5/26/2011


12:30 PM-2:30 PM: Lunch and program


Roel Haeseldonckx,'08 (EXP-13)