Join CBAA Washington, DC as we celebrate the graduation of the Class of 2010, and welcome new students into Chicago Booth. It is a Pot Luck, and we're providing hamburgers and hot dogs. So please select something from the menu to bring with you. 2010 Graduates, 2010 New Admits, Current Students, and alumni are welcome to this Chicago Booth's Black Alumni Association celebration. Children are welcome, and bring your bathing suits!


11520 Glen Road
Potomac, Maryland

Event Details

Great networking opportunity in a relaxed setting.


No Charge


Register By Email
Register By Phone: 202-262-4155
Email Kim Marchand to receive a copy of the pot luck menu items. Identify the item(s) you plan to bring when you register for the event. Indicate the number of guests you are bringing, including yourself. If you are bringing children, please indicate the number and the age range.

Deadline: 7/16/2010


4:00 PM-8:00 PM: Barbeque, Pot Luck, Relaxed Networking Environment


Kim Marchand 
CBAA Mid-Atlantic Area Representative