Professor Nicholas Epley will share his groundbreaking research on why we so routinely misunderstand what's going on in the minds of others.


Gleacher Center Room 200
450 N. Cityfront Plaza Dr.
Chicago, Illinois

Event Details

How well do we really know what our competitors, customers, coworkers, and employees want or are thinking?

How well can we guess what others think of you, your product, or your business?

Professor Epley will introduce us to what scientists have discovered about our ability to understand the most complicated puzzle on the planet- other people - and the suprising mistakes we make.

In his presentation, based on his book Mindwise: How we understand what others Think, Believe, Feel, and Want (February 2014) Epley will give us the wisdom to revoltionize the way we think about others, and ourselves.


$7 advanced registration; registration closes October 14 at 5 p.m.


Register Online

Deadline: 10/14/2015

Speaker Profiles

Nicholas Epley (Speaker)

Epley is the John T Keller Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Nicholas Epley was named a "Professor to Watch" by the Financial Times.


John Salvino, '06 
Partner, Wealth Management