We cordially invite all members and friends to an evening with Felipe González former Prime Minister of Spain on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 at 8:30pm at the International Institute.

Felipe González Márquez has been Spain's longest-serving prime minister (1982-1996) after the restoration of democracy, in addition to having been General Secretary of the PSOE from 1974 to 1997. Prime Minister González has been extremely kind to agree to share his ideas with us, and on this occasion he will be chatting with Charles Powell, Director of the Real Instituto Elcano in Madrid.

Given the multitude of serious problems that Spain, Europe and the world are currently facing, the views and insights of Prime Minister González are of huge interest to all of us after the extraordinary experience he has accumulated. Dr Powell will be probing Prime Minister González's views on globalization, on Europe and on Spain's many difficult challenges.


International Institute
c/ Miguel Ángel 8
Madrid, Spain


For anyone who can afford it, a suggested voluntary contribution for a drink and tapas of €5-10 will be greatly appreciated.


Register Online

Due to the enormous demand for this event, a valid reservation will be required for everyone. We kindly ask that you cancel it immediately if you will not be able to attend, so that others may have the opportunity.

Deadline: 10/25/2013


Brenda McCabe, '02 (EXP-7)